They'd never let him do that. Not after that Marauders Annual where Brimstone (a demonic character) was basically the voice of anyone that thinks Krakoa isn't the best-est-thing-ever. Don't get me wrong - I liked the concept of Krakoa and agree to narrative reasons for its creation, but I also believe it's #$#%#%% obvious that Hickman meant it to eventually end. He set up too many blatant cracks in its foundation from character behavior, doctrine, and international presence. He even built in a reset button. Most of this 3yr narrative was undone abruptly in about 10-issues between Trial of Magneto and Inferno. Thing is, bringing this up makes you a problem as a reader, so I seriously doubt they'll allow Claremont to sow similar views within the lore and make it a canon view of the situation.
Krakoa is like Brave New World set on the Lord of the Flies island meets Animal Farm after Doctor Moreau experimented on Napoleon and Snowball. All of these are very good stories, but are intended to make you question society and humanity. To 86 that is missing the point. Were we supposed to
like Krakoa? You can like the story, but I feel like we're one event away from people mixing kiddie pools fool of Flavor Aid here.
Krakoa concept good, set up meh, execution meh.
I think I agree with the demon.
Maybe they are just out of ideas, and that's why they're going to run Krakoa until the wheels fall off and why have Gambit's solo set in the 90s.