One female writer wrote G poorly. But TBF, she wrote ALL the characters poorly.
Honestly, the absolute relief I feel now that I know Gambit is free from Otherworld is palpable.
G did die in Otherworld, went thru the Siege Perilous, and everything hand-waved away with the explanation of "It's Magic!" and all is well. Not an AU but easily ignorable.
I'm not debating you. We all have a different view, I literally stopped buying comic books because of KT's interpretation. TH just made things worse.
I get that some fans think KT did a good job. But all she did was write Rogue and Gambit was a prop. One of the villains was tailor made for Rogue. I don't care that KT wanted to get through their baggage. Apologies too late, not enough focus equally.
And no pass given for her complete animosity toward Asmus. Once that crap is out there, it is. Her apology wasn't good enough and again too late. (People still hate me over HS and there is no going back and that was in 2010 or something.)
There we go - You have to like Rogue for giving a pass on KT. TH - she's a different type of issue, all she cares about is her agenda, doesn't know a thing about Gambit.
I know everyone has their own pov on these things. All subjective as it were but for me
TWO female writers were not good at handling Gambit. What a way to get me to dislike Rogue even more. Give her back to Morrison and Magneto so I don't have to deal with Rogue.
**Thanks for the update on Otherworld. Since I don't buy comic books and the only one I am buying is written by CC, hard to keep up.

And I'll probably delete this post.