Author Topic: Gambit Watch 2023  (Read 289988 times)

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Re: Gambit Watch 2023
« Reply #90 on: April 07, 2023, 05:01:26 PM »
Rogue& Gambit #2 should be titled: #&$& Gambit probably wouldn't do.

I can't get over how much this is wasting the artwork. This was an obvious example of a writer that doesn't know Jack about either character they are writing past probably XTAS. Has she called him Remy one time since the start of this book?

Him putting a woman's life endanger? What was the point of the "I'm driving" thing? What the @&# did it matter? How much time would it have taken BP to free a woman from a rope? They had time for flipping gender role moment?

No offense to my ladies intended but the amount of estrogen dripping off of this is overwhelming. This is someone that doesn't write superheroes writing a superhero comic. And not well.

Past the Gambit complaints - the story doesn't make sense. How the @&#$ Black Panther find them in the middle of nowhere? And that is not how anyone present would approach the situation... The @&$& is Gambit tackling him for?! Tchalla knows enough about Gambit to talk down to him but knows nothing about his heroics? Like Rogue just married some hood off of the street? The writer is just down right disrespectful.
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

Offline wantutosigh

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Re: Gambit Watch 2023
« Reply #91 on: April 07, 2023, 10:15:15 PM »

Check out this article. Directly related to what we're talking about.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2023, 10:19:16 PM by wantutosigh »

Offline purplevit

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Re: Gambit Watch 2023
« Reply #92 on: April 08, 2023, 04:15:16 AM »
Dark X-Men synopsis feels not sincere.

Really, it should be like this:
From mastermind X-Office and editors that gave you:
1. No Gambit in HOX/POX
2. 4 years of suffering with Tini Howard's Excalibur
3. Dumb Gambit who blow up himself to Death in KOX
4. Pathetic Gambit in R&Gambit book where he is afraid to fight Black Panther and must put innocent life of kind woman in danger, so he can escape.

Here comes a brand new awesome book that Gambit fans must buy to see Gambit used as wallpaper or not used at all, because this is the way Steve Foxe used (he did nothing in 5 issues except being dumb and blowing up his friends in space) Gambit in HOX 92 mini.

Please Gambit fans buy our book about Jean clone and D listers whom noone cares about because whe added Gambit just for sales. He will be a wallpaper but we know he sells.

Gambit#1 is #20, R&G#1 is #12, but first amazing Tini Howard book without Gambit Cap Britain Betsy #1 is just #87.So please Gambit fans buy our books but remember that Gambit is a creep and X office hates him.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2023, 04:18:27 AM by purplevit »

Offline Zoks

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Re: Gambit Watch 2023
« Reply #93 on: April 12, 2023, 03:51:07 PM »
Guys I read the latest Captain Marvel issue. Gambit is clearly being held back with the lack of stoves to tie that all-female cast (except him) to.

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Re: Gambit Watch 2023
« Reply #94 on: April 13, 2023, 10:28:30 AM »
Dark X-Men synopsis feels not sincere.

Really, it should be like this:
From mastermind X-Office and editors that gave you:
1. No Gambit in HOX/POX
2. 4 years of suffering with Tini Howard's Excalibur
3. Dumb Gambit who blow up himself to Death in KOX
4. Pathetic Gambit in R&Gambit book where he is afraid to fight Black Panther and must put innocent life of kind woman in danger, so he can escape.

Here comes a brand new awesome book that Gambit fans must buy to see Gambit used as wallpaper or not used at all, because this is the way Steve Foxe used (he did nothing in 5 issues except being dumb and blowing up his friends in space) Gambit in HOX 92 mini.

Please Gambit fans buy our book about Jean clone and D listers whom noone cares about because whe added Gambit just for sales. He will be a wallpaper but we know he sells.

Gambit#1 is #20, R&G#1 is #12, but first amazing Tini Howard book without Gambit Cap Britain Betsy #1 is just #87.So please Gambit fans buy our books but remember that Gambit is a creep and X office hates him.

Oh that's right, he's the same guy that wrote that horrible scene where Gambit blew everyone up (and himself) in that XM92 mini last year...

Offline DonPriceTag

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Re: Gambit Watch 2023
« Reply #95 on: April 16, 2023, 08:19:21 AM »

This is like the 3rd article about this book coming out of CBR - the 2nd in two or three days. Perhaps it's just a slow X-Men week but I'm also aware the big two sometimes push stories through CBR and other sites and "sponsor" bigger YouTube channels to put up videos to coincide with advertising efforts. It's why you see lists and character studies about specific characters/groups/topics go up around the same time without a trailer or announcement or impossibly close to a debut. It's not a coincidence. While those YT vids would cost money, a couple pieces like these in CBR would probably only require a favor. Yes, I'm paranoid. This office seems to go out of their way to assassinate Gambit's character whenever possible.

I swear, if this is really something and is related to Gambit being dumped in Dark X-Men and an excuse to divorce him from Rogue - I will indeed be quitting X-Men until some sort of major leadership change in editorial. I'd really dislike such a major change happening due to some extremely out of character, cowardly, BS. This wouldn't be a breaking bad moment. It's out of the blue. There's no lead up. It's worse than when he became Death. It was stupid but at least he was trying to help... In a very very stupid way. Hopefully this is just CBR making a mountain out of an anthill for clicks and not some effort from Marvel to justify something really out of left field.

You'll also notice the author of the article goes out of their way to remove any culpability from Rogue in the situation at least 3 times throughout the piece. Just to make sure we all know that it was Gambit's doing. The fact that she'll be an Avenger at the same time he'll be running with the likes of Azazel, the Goblin Queen and Emplate isn't lost on me. The idea of Black Panther failing to save a woman that was tied to a burning stove by a piece of rope never crossed my mind. It'd be a stupid obstacle if it led to the woman's death. About as dumb as Gambit actually doing it.

All that to escape Black Panther (again, how the $##$ did he find two people that were teleported? And why were they stranded? With one phone call they could have been picked up by one of several people...) WITH help? This man has fought Wolverine, Deadpool, Spider-Man, Captain America, Blade, Daredevil, Bullseye, and numerous others ALONE. But he would do that to escape another hero? Who admittedly was oddly on some sort of enraged rampage and beyond reasoning apparently .
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

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Re: Gambit Watch 2023
« Reply #96 on: April 17, 2023, 06:08:11 PM »
It’s not paranoia if it’s true.  This is a 30 year blacklisting starting with jealousy over his involvement in XTAS.  I’ve been back since 2018 and have backtracked through the history and you can see it at different points along the way and today is worse than ever. 

The R&G series is just a way of crapping on him for their potential separation and the articles are the same. 

It’s not actually that big a stretch to see editorial involvement as we all know he would never do what he did last issue. 

Offline cajunpirate

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Re: Gambit Watch 2023
« Reply #97 on: April 18, 2023, 09:06:21 AM »
Rogue & Gambit did go from bad to worse, and there's still 3 more to go. Not sure what to make of the "bad-guy" Gambit's "Death" persona coming back to haunt him?

On the flip side, I've enjoyed Captain Marvel and X-treme, both showcasing Gambit's leadership and fighting abilities. At least it's something.

And that Mondo XTAS figure is incredible. Hefty price ($215), but still, an amazing piece of work.

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Re: Gambit Watch 2023
« Reply #98 on: April 20, 2023, 04:20:04 PM »
This is probably the worst characterization I've seen regarding Gambit. If not the worst, it's top 2 or 3. Absolutely astounding how badly (or efficiently) they are assassinating his character. I felt like great steps had been made to re-build his character in recent months with Claremont writing him in 2 books and Thompson's solid portrayal.
This is like 2 steps forward, 3 miles back. Good grief!   :-\

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Re: Gambit Watch 2023
« Reply #99 on: April 21, 2023, 01:40:30 PM »
This is probably the worst characterization I've seen regarding Gambit. If not the worst, it's top 2 or 3. Absolutely astounding how badly (or efficiently) they are assassinating his character. I felt like great steps had been made to re-build his character in recent months with Claremont writing him in 2 books and Thompson's solid portrayal.
This is like 2 steps forward, 3 miles back. Good grief!   :-\
This is their revenge for us s***ting on Howard.  She didn't write the best Gambit but at least most of what she did with him was arguably in character.  The X-Office is showing us what they can do with the gloves off.

Offline DonPriceTag

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Re: Gambit Watch 2023
« Reply #100 on: April 26, 2023, 07:40:42 PM »
This is their revenge for us s***ting on Howard.  She didn't write the best Gambit but at least most of what she did with him was arguably in character.  The X-Office is showing us what they can do with the gloves off.

Well... That's discouraging.
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

Offline purplevit

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Re: Gambit Watch 2023
« Reply #101 on: April 28, 2023, 07:54:23 AM »
Some sinister coincidences are here.

Offline DonPriceTag

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Re: Gambit Watch 2023
« Reply #102 on: May 01, 2023, 10:21:20 AM »
Some sinister coincidences are here.

I dunno - they've been stealing Gambit's swag for years. Case in point:

Ulysses: They formed a whole crossover around a character who's eyes turned black and red and to add insult to injury, when they finally used Gambit in the X-Men section of the series - they made Gambit's eyes WHITE on black! To make it worse, it was during the whole "replace the mutants with Inhumans" era.

Fantomex: Super agile, French-speaking, and named, X-Man, ladies' man, international master thief that also happened to wear a long flowing trench coat as part of his costume.

Grifter: Everything.

Daredevil's Apprentice, Sam Chung: his whole silhouette screamed "Gambit" so much we all thought they were rebooting the Marvel universe with Gambit as Daredevil's understudy.
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

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Re: Gambit Watch 2023
« Reply #103 on: May 01, 2023, 01:29:09 PM »
I hate it already.

This is from AMA from League of Comic Geeks answered by Steve Foxe:
"To make it unambiguous: Gimmick is a main character in DARK X-MEN. She has a substantial role to play, and there’s a good reason she’s not on the first cover. I know she seems like an odd fit for this premise sight-unseen, but trust more will make sense once readers catch up to FALL OF X. We’ll also definitely get to see her interact with her hero and costume inspiration, but not sure if it’ll happen under her ideal terms!"

Offline purplevit

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Re: Gambit Watch 2023
« Reply #104 on: May 02, 2023, 09:22:53 AM »

I really liked Foxe answers about Gambit and his role in Dark X-Men. It was the best Gambit related answers since HOX POX started.
These answers make me excited to check it.

- the Remy in our pages is self-sufficient, competent, and hardened from a life that’s thrown a lot his way, including some stuff readers won’t know about until this summer. He has some very tough calls to make, and not everyone will agree with them. To me, his core will always be a charming, dangerous rogue (no pun intended).

- Gambit is a primary character and plays a huge role in the plot—maybe second only to Maddie? But I think folks will be surprised by the role he ends up falling into as the series progresses. To me, it’s a natural extension of where he’s come since his debut.