Wow - must be a gift to me. The Lebeau Library is in AO3. The import is done, I am the archivist, all works are currently closed (I think - choice on my part.) But the good news is ... it's there. I looked and wow. Anyway, the library is preserved as I wished.
And to Nicopony, you got your wish too ... stories that are not Magneto/Xavier oriented to the bananas.
Thank you all for the patience, I feel good about the Library's existence. I will now change the current page to links to the two places that have the library. Not right away, it costs nothing to host.
New eyes for great stories - love it.
edit: a few little details in the hunt. But overall, I'm happy for the new home. And new stories are not un-welcomed.. we'll see how it goes, maybe some with the cats? ... LOL. I don't know, its been closed a long time.
Xmen all types; category, I don't have exact link yet, but I will update once I know and not need to research. LebeauLibrary does show up in the search box.
Will edit this as I go, this project has been something.

I'll need a few more days (possibly weeks), I'm okay with it.
I've seen the prototype and I'm good with it.
edit2: As I am the archivist, you can find it by the Lebeau Library in the search engine at the site or via LebeauLibrary_Archivist.
I'll still look for a direct link but it is easy to find. Let me find a way to make it more public as I've forgotten how collections works and for some odd reason, I don't have it tagged there yet, but I will or hope to do so.
Thanks for all the support.