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Godzilla and his bros.


Godzilla is a fav of mine and has been for years, practically rivals Gambit.

Loved the 'King Of The Monsters' movie (enough to own it on dvd/stream).

Did not like Godzilla vs Kong. I don't like King Kong - nothing to say about that other than, not a good character for me, useless. The movie industry gave Kong a magical axe, what?? Okay. Fine. Because the movie could be over in one minute with 'atomic' breath from Godzilla. SMH.

Now, there is a new film ready for monster-verse, and its Godzilla and King Kong working together, odd but okay. Hollywood changed Godzilla's colors. Not his sound, you can't change that, LOL.  Weird.
Click the link at your peril, but .. it's out there. Trailer:

Odd. LOL.


--- Quote from: Nekobaghira on December 03, 2023, 07:13:51 PM ---Godzilla is a fav of mine and has been for years, practically rivals Gambit.

Loved the 'King Of The Monsters' movie (enough to own it on dvd/stream).

Did not like Godzilla vs Kong. I don't like King Kong - nothing to say about that other than, not a good character for me, useless. The movie industry gave Kong a magical axe, what?? Okay. Fine. Because the movie could be over in one minute with 'atomic' breath from Godzilla. SMH.

Now, there is a new film ready for monster-verse, and its Godzilla and King Kong working together, odd but okay. Hollywood changed Godzilla's colors. Not his sound, you can't change that, LOL.  Weird.
Click the link at your peril, but .. it's out there. Trailer:

Odd. LOL.

--- End quote ---

Why are you using spoiler tags for a movie that came out almost three years ago, and for stuff that is common knowledge?

And now for a COMPLETELY Mostly different take.  ;D

I grew up on the monster movies with Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan, and King Ghidorah. I loved watching them as kid, seeing them in solo movies and then in team-ups and conflicts. When I saw the original King Kong vs. Godzilla(1962) as a kid my mind was blown, it was like a Marvel/DC crossover!

I think I've made the comparison before, but Godzilla Vs. Kong is a lot like Hulk Vs. Wolverine, At the end of the day while it is fun to see them 'scrap', they are both heroes and what most fans want is to see the two heroes team up to fight an actual bad guy. That was the big failing of the '62 movie in my opinion, in it the two heroes were manipulated into fighting each other and it ends after Kong wins and just leaves. It wasn't a fight either of them wanted, they were manipulated into it, and while it did huge box office and actually brought the dormant Godzilla film franchise back to life it was an unsatisfying ending for me. It didn't matter to me who won the scrap, and in a conflict between two heroes. a scrap is all it is really going to be. They don't jump right to annihilating most bad guys, they are not really going to kill each other. I wanted to see them team-up and kick bad-guy ass!

I loved the previous MonsterVerse films and Godzilla vs. Kong (2021) was everything I could have wanted. I love the axe, a weapon made by Kong's ancestors to fight Godzilla's ancestors, being used as a symbol of the peace between them. First when Kong lays down the axe in the previous film and now being carried by Kong not just as a weapon but a symbol of that peace; as the two unexpected allies, last of their kinds, find kinship and perhaps even friendship.

I remember when Godzilla vs. Kong (2021) didn't immediately meet box office expectations(still in the pandemic) and after Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) previous poor performance, haters were gleefully predicting the end of the MonsterVerse. The film went on to set a pandemic box office record and grossed $470 million worldwide, against a production budget between $155–200 million and a break-even point of $330 million, making it the eighth-highest-grossing film of 2021 and it became a massive hit on streaming. Suck it, haters!  :P

Instead of it being the last of the MonsterVerse films it is the springboard for a whole new series of films and a show on Apple TV+, Monarch: Legacy of Monsters which I haven't seen because I don't have Apple TV+, but it has Kurt Russell in it and I've heard good things. Looks like some guy named Godzilla is in it, too...

As for the spoiler tags, if you are in the same boat as I am and can not see a movie when it comes out due to distance or other issues. I never see a movie now when it is released and I end up waiting, so it's always 'new' to me.  LOL
I love the monsterverse. Every Sunday was monster matinee in my area, and Godzilla movies, I also grew up watching them. :crazy2:


--- Quote from: Nekobaghira on December 04, 2023, 03:03:16 PM ---As for the spoiler tags, if you are in the same boat as I am and can not see a movie when it comes out due to distance or other issues. I never see a movie now when it is released and I end up waiting, so it's always 'new' to me.  LOL
I love the monsterverse. Every Sunday was monster matinee in my area, and Godzilla movies, I also grew up watching them. :crazy2:

--- End quote ---
I haven't seen a movie in theaters since Avengers: Endgame.  :laugh: 
I almost caved and went to see Spider-Man: No Way Home in theaters but it was gone from my local theater before I had the chance and the next closest is an hour-and-a half away. If a 'real' Iceman was in it I might have made a three hour round-trip to see it... Seems the studios are making deals with theaters to take bunches of movies just to get the one they want and smaller theaters are getting squeezed out, either by not getting the movie at all or just getting it for very short periods. I only do the matinees now and the prices for those are as high as regular ticket prices were just a few years ago. Damn economy! I spend a lot on premium channels every month so it's hard to justify dropping a wad at the theater to see something that would be on a channel I'm already paying for in a few months.

I grew up watching the monster movies on a local UHF channel. Every Sunday it was either those or Kung Fu movies, all with badly dubbed dialogue, from noon 'til six. Add in growing up with Voltron and it's no wonder I ended up a Power Rangers fan...

Oh man! You brought up some fun memories for me. 

I haven't been to a movie theater in so long, it's disappointing. And I completely get the matinee and prices. Crazy.

There is a local theater but its very small and used to show 'indie' stuff, but recently I found out they'll do some specialty stuff. My friends kid went to a marathon Halloween showing. Whomever the owner is, should do more of that thing. Even if I've seen the film a few times. It would be nice.
UHF!!! I forgot about those, we had one in my area from PA or MA. Cracked me up, it was like having an extra station.

*snort* badly dubbed dialogue, I remember that stuff too and you'd hear the dialogue after you see the mouth says something. Cracked me up.

Voltron! It's been ages since I've seen an episode but loved the machines were cats. LOL.


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