I'm not intending on start a political discussion, but remember how much certain people wanted comics to change because (fictional) women were being exploited for their sexuality and yadayada?
Well, I have no problem with eye candy or any of that, but have you noticed too how Gambit's lately defined due to how his sexuality belongs to Rogue?
Case in point:
UXM3 Spoiler.
This is an absolute "female fantasy" Gambit has to cater too.
We get it, Simone, you're horny over Gambit. (I could make more comments about her and where she comes from doing this, but I won't). It's not the nudity I don't like (I welcome it), it's the intention behind the author. She's writing for herself here. She shares this because she knows who's her readers are. I doubt she wanted to write X-Men to bring stories, but to do exactly this.