New episode was ok set up.
I didn't like Remy's funeral. Kurt's speech felt dumb?
I wish Storm was there to tell some words.
Episodes 6 and 7 weren't written by DeMayo and it feels that some words like Kurts are not powerful or deep enough?
Next 3 episodes are three part finale. Should be epic.
I feel the same way. Was really looking forward to Remy's funeral, but, it was dumb. I like Priest Kurt, and I still think his speech is tipping the writers hand (no pun intended, especially in light of what I'm about to say) that he will be back. And I did like Kurt saying Gambit knew his value, and he acted modest. But, the entire eulogy was gambling/card references. It wasn't much about the guy himself, or his sacrifice at all. And while I like Kurt, and yes he is a priest, he knew Gambit less well than anyone there save Roberto. They'd met for a few days, once, in universe. The rest were his friends for years. I wanted Storm to speak about him, or Jubilee or even Logan. It was far too short. And while I assume he got burial treatment and not Magneto or Madelyn as they had his body, and he was confirmed dead, where as the other two might be assumed dead but held out as possibly alive, it did really just cement Magneto was alive, so the reveal at the end was not that shocking. Emma surviving worries me a little Gambit's death...and Banshee's, Marrows, etc, might be permanent, as she was the biggest name after Magneto (and Gambit, obviously) that died. And now we see she didn't.
I felt Rogue came across really badly in this episode. From wrecking US outposts to insulting Cap and pettily throwing Cap's shield, to not using her powers to find out if Boliver had any more information, to, DROPPING A MAN TO LET HIM DIE. This episode was mostly a miss for me. As you say, you can tell it was written by another.