Author Topic: X-Men '97 Episode 5 !!!SPOILERS!!! + AI Analysis  (Read 19827 times)

Offline Blade3D1

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X-Men '97 Episode 5 !!!SPOILERS!!! + AI Analysis
« on: April 14, 2024, 05:46:54 AM »
Got sick of having to read past black bars on the main Gambit 2024 thread, so I decided to make this to share thoughts on this episode. I did read A LOT of great thoughts on the main thread, so feel free to repost on here without the censor bars.

As for my thoughts... oh boy... where do I begin.

I saw the outcome of this episode coming since they released the episode titles months ago. "Remember it." has always been Gambit's phrase in the cartoon. And having an episode entitled exactly that, there was only one place my mind went. My initial thought was "oh great, they are going to kill him off in some lame way, leaving us Gambit fans to wallow like usual."

BUT after seeing the episode, I was half right. They killed him off... but not before demonstrating to the world EXACTLY the reasons why we love Gambit and pretty much vindicating his dedicated fanbase (pretty much all of us on this forum). I can't see any of the Gambit haters saying "Gambit is lame..." after seeing this episode.

Matter of fact, after watching tons of reviews and reaction videos on YouTube of episode 5, I can say for a fact that it has converted a lot of Gambit haters into Gambit fans. WHICH IS HUGE! I recall the word "redemption" being used a lot by the former Gambit haters.

This episode has put Gambit in literal headlines, which is something I couldn't imagine ever happening (save for the announcement of an MCU Gambit solo movie). Which brings me to my next point; this episode is the highest rated episode to date for the show. It's currently sitting at a 9.8 on imdb, and with Gambit as the obvious MVP, people will most definitely "Remember It".

I think it was put best by another poster in the main thread "Gambit's stock has gone way up!" and I think that's the best way to put it, not to mention the most important take-away from this entire discussion. This single episode has created a whole new generation of Gambit fans and left them clamoring for more.

The ONLY thing, that I disagree with a lot of you on is that he will be back... (GOD I hope I am wrong). I think they made it pretty definitive with the end of the episode, and bringing him back would negate the emotional impact of what the writer(s) were trying to accomplish. Not to mention, we're Gambit fans... we never get exactly what we want. I think that expecting that he will be back any time soon is just wishful thinking. I definitely don't think, he'll be back this season at the very least... But again, I REALLY REALLY hope I'm wrong.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2024, 08:06:57 AM by Blade3D1 »
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Re: X-Men '97 Episode 5 !!!SPOILERS!!!
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2024, 07:28:01 AM »
So I was curious to get an AI perspective on the likelihood of Gambit's return as well as the lasting impact of this episodes popularity. It made some interesting points, nothing too outside the realm of what we've been saying, but I figured it might be worth posting.

I want you to do your best at predicting what will happen next in X-Men ‘97 based on information you already know (if any) and the info I’m about to tell you.

 X-Men ‘97 is Disney’s continuation of the beloved 90’s X-Men the animated series. There has been 5 episodes and they have all been absolutely incredible. They are slightly more adult (as are the fans that watched in the 90s). But it starts right where the old series left off.

The episode in question is episode 5. It is the most adult episode so far, where Gambit, Rogue, and Magneto visit Genosha. A country that is a safe haven for mutants. They are celebrating Genosha joining the U.N. It starts off light hearted with a big party and all of the mutants partying. But then there is an attack that decimates SO MANY mutants. A giant sentinel mothership kills so many mutants. Gambit, Rogue and Magneto kick a lot of ass and save as many mutants as they can. But the episode ends with Gambit saving the day, by sacrificing himself to blow up the mothership. The final shot of the episode is of Rogue crying while cradling Gambits dead body. My question is, will Gambit come back in a future episode? Base your answer on what you know about X-Men, dramatic writing in general, and whatever information you can find online about X-Men ‘97.

Given the history of comic book narratives and the specific context of X-Men '97, several factors suggest that Gambit's return is plausible:

1. Comic Book Resurrection Tropes: In comic books, particularly in superhero narratives, death is often not permanent. Characters frequently return through various means such as alternate timelines, resurrection by other characters with relevant powers, or reveals that the death was somehow staged or not as it seemed.

2. Fan Attachment and Character Popularity: Gambit is a popular character among X-Men fans, known for his charm and complex relationship with Rogue. His popularity makes him a prime candidate for dramatic returns to boost viewership and engage the audience.

3. Narrative Development: The dramatic ending of Gambit sacrificing himself creates a potent emotional moment, particularly with Rogue. This setup often leads to subsequent stories exploring the impact of his loss and potentially his surprising return.

4. Series Context and Continuation from the 90s Series: Since X-Men '97 is a direct continuation of the 1990s animated series, which itself played with complex storylines and character developments, there's a creative precedent for intricate plots including resurrections or dramatic twists.

5. Information from Creators and Teasers: While specific details about future episodes of X-Men '97 are not publicly available from creators or through official teasers, any hints or suggestive comments made by the show's creators in interviews or on social media could provide clues about future story arcs.

Conclusion: Based on the narrative importance of Gambit, common comic book tropes, and his popularity, it is quite likely that the series may explore avenues to bring Gambit back, whether through comic book-style resurrections or reveals that complicate the perceived finality of his sacrifice.

If you had to put the likelihood of him coming back on a scale from 1 to 10, what would be your best guess?

Given the narrative patterns in comic books and superhero media, along with the importance of Gambit as a character, I would rate the likelihood of Gambit returning to X-Men '97 as about an 8 out of 10. This rating reflects the strong possibility based on typical genre conventions where major characters are often brought back to further develop emotional storylines and maintain fan interest.

If the writer of X-Men ‘97 has stated on Twitter that they are making episode 1-4 mimic a pre-911 world (more care free and innocent) and after episode 5 a post-911 world, how would that effect your 1 to 10 likelihood of him returning?

The writer's statement about the shift from a pre-9/11 to a post-9/11 world in the thematic approach of "X-Men '97" could suggest a darker, more serious tone in the episodes following episode 5. This thematic shift typically involves more intense, realistic storylines that deal with the consequences of tragedy and the complexities of heroism in a changed world.

Considering this, Gambit's death could be used as a pivotal moment to emphasize the gravity and permanence of loss, aligning with a post-9/11 thematic perspective where consequences are more lasting and impactful. This could potentially lower the likelihood of his return, as his death might serve a crucial narrative purpose in highlighting this new, graver reality.

However, even in a post-9/11 context, the allure of dramatic returns and the impact they can have on both the story and viewers cannot be underestimated in serial storytelling. The emotional weight of Gambit’s death could be leveraged for a future poignant storyline, possibly involving his unexpected return in a way that deeply resonates with the changed tone of the series.

With these considerations, I would adjust the likelihood slightly lower, to about a 7 out of 10. This adjustment reflects the possibility that while his return remains likely due to the norms of comic book storytelling, the thematic shift might mean that if he does return, it would be under more serious and impactful circumstances.

As a giant fan of Gambit, I am usually very let down by a lot of his portrayals in more recent comics and movies. Episode 5 showed him at his BEST. He had a lot of kick ass action scenes and had a heroic sacrifice that saved everyone on Genosha. He is definitely the MVP of this episode. This episode is currently the best rated episode of the show (including the original animated series from the 90s). Taking a step back from the storyline itself, how could this episode effect the overall Marvel/X-Men fandom and potentially future Disney/MCU projects?

The standout episode featuring Gambit in X-Men '97 could have several implications for the broader Marvel/X-Men fandom and future Disney/MCU projects:

1. Enhanced Fan Engagement: A well-executed portrayal of Gambit, especially one that resonates with fans and receives critical acclaim, can significantly boost fan engagement. This renewed interest can lead to increased discussions online, more merchandise sales, and higher viewership for subsequent episodes or related content. It solidifies Gambit’s status as a beloved character, potentially increasing demand for more stories focusing on him.

2. Influence on Future Storytelling: Given the positive reception, Marvel and Disney might be encouraged to incorporate Gambit more prominently in future X-Men adaptations, including potential live-action movies or series within the MCU. Seeing the character's potential to draw audience praise and engagement, writers and producers may be more inclined to explore and expand his character in narratives that align with the tone and success of Episode 5.

3. Implications for MCU Integration: The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been actively integrating X-Men characters following Disney's acquisition of Fox. The success of a particular portrayal of Gambit could influence how he is introduced into the MCU. There might be a push to replicate the tone and depth of his character from X-Men '97, ensuring that his MCU portrayal resonates similarly with both new and longtime fans.

4. Setting Creative Standards: The critical success of such a portrayal sets a benchmark for character development and storytelling within the superhero genre. It can lead to a reevaluation of how characters are developed in animated series and films, focusing on depth, emotional impact, and meaningful arcs that challenge and engage audiences.

5. Market Trends and Merchandising: A surge in popularity for Gambit could lead to increased merchandising opportunities. This includes action figures, apparel, and other collectibles, which not only boost revenue but also sustain fan interest between series and movie releases.

Conclusion: The portrayal of Gambit in X-Men '97 Episode 5, if it continues to be well received, could have a significant impact on future Marvel and X-Men projects. It could lead to more nuanced and faithful adaptations of characters, particularly in how they are integrated into the broader MCU, potentially guiding the tone and approach of future character introductions and developments.

The last part is what I'm clinging on to.
Long (like really really long) time lurker.

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Re: X-Men '97 Episode 5 !!!SPOILERS!!! + AI Analysis
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2024, 07:49:10 AM »
Great thread! I gotta think on some of your points. No answer today but edit all the time.

Two parts I can think of is 'coming back from the dead' I would want him come back, its not unusual in the comic book industry to find that magic wand as it were, so 10. I don't think it would negate the impact of episode five depending on direction. Sinister always had a thing for Gambit, it's plausible. But if dead is dead, alright. Don't like it but I can deal with it.

I think the animated show brought some life back into comic books and all of the characters.

Offline Blade3D1

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Re: X-Men '97 Episode 5 !!!SPOILERS!!! + AI Analysis
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2024, 09:14:21 AM »
Based on what the writer said on twitter, I have a feeling that things are going to get pretty bleak going forward (Just my theory, of course). I really REALLY hope he does come back.

Can you imagine the fanfare upon his return now that the newcomers and Gambit-nay-sayers got a taste of why we've loved Gambit for all of these years?! He'd be unstoppable. Wolverine who?  ;D

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Re: X-Men '97 Episode 5 !!!SPOILERS!!! + AI Analysis
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2024, 03:58:14 AM »
7/8 from 10 is a good bet!