I play Star-Trek Online. Mostly due to a gaming bud. Not my favorite game but I try. I don't like my character's looks but what can you do. And my character name is (so, not neko-ish), its bleh. I'll change it at some point.
Anyway, I am really not very good at it, (all of my game buds say, "don't think that way, or you'll believe it, just think positively." Good Buds, right?) They're not wrong but.... there are days with that game.
My 'main' game bud and I remembered - key binds for my mouse. Why it took us almost a year to think of that, no clue and hubby will help if need be. Hubby and 'main' game bud always know how to get my mouse in the correct game play. They work well together too! The three of us have been friends for a long time. Fixing it - so 'main' game bud doesn't have to tell me how to play all the time. LOL. I am not sure I like the game, but if the key binds work, I'll get through it as it were.
Side Note- computer guys/gals unite! Don't know many gals but I know they are out there!
edit: Elder Scrolls Online. I can play it. But again with the darn mouse. My goal always ... Point A to Point B. Love my cat character.