It’s such an upbeat story though.

‘Bad news guys, we’re all going to get killed by robots in the future.’
‘Crap, not again!’
‘Don’t worry. I have plan to keep everyone safe by moving to Krakoa!
‘But Krakoa eats mutants’
‘Non, no, he’s nice now and can also make magic drugs that will give an advantage in world trade and politics!’
‘Well, ok maybe that’s good’
‘And no one will ever die anyone because we can be resurrected!’
‘Yes, some random mutants also got a magic upgrades, so they can bring anyone back and restore their minds with Cerebro, which has been secretly recording all of your private thoughts for years!’
‘...oh...I guess that’s handy...’
‘And because we need a united front on the world stage I invited all mutants to live there, even the psychotic insane ones!’
‘ we really need them?’
‘Don’t worry about them. If anything happens, and it probably will,( because it’s not against Krakoa law to kill any of you,) I’ll just resurrect you!