Author Topic: Gambit Watch  (Read 1464868 times)

Offline Dantay

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #1110 on: June 21, 2017, 02:57:04 PM »
she kissed Gambit to remind him that people see him as a good man or to remind herself of something, but we don't know what that is ( im 100% sure it has nothing to do with being in love with Remy or anything like that), man Guggenheim nailed this relationship and highlighted how much it sucks not having these to interact more, Storm never took s*** from Remy and refused to let him be self loathing she was and is his best friend on the X-Men. Even after the MM reveal Storm who was then leader of the Morlocks had a very god reason to be pissed with him and there was nothing, she missed him and talked him into returning to the x-men. Its like his secret was revealed and in stead of anger she had sympathy....God damn it i want these two in a book together just pal ing around robbing stuff

oh yeah edit bit, my only complaint more of a niggle is he never called her Stormy but i chalk that up to it being a super serious situation he caused leaving no time for him to joke around
« Last Edit: June 21, 2017, 03:09:44 PM by Dantay »

Offline purplevit

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #1111 on: June 21, 2017, 04:25:44 PM »
It seems Ryan Stegam is drawing cover for Astonishing or will draw 4th issue.

Sketch with Gambit

Offline wantutosigh

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #1112 on: June 21, 2017, 05:54:08 PM »
After reading about Gold #6 in here I went right to the comic store and bought it. I love the stuff between Gambit and Storm. Made me laugh how he acted like she gave him a power up. Haha. I really want to know what she was reminding herself. Something tells me we're not going to find out.

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #1113 on: June 21, 2017, 10:42:11 PM »
Crap... I'm going to have the buy the last two issues now.
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

Offline cc008

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #1114 on: June 22, 2017, 12:35:10 PM »
Looking forward to Stegman's Gambit in full color.

As for this past Gold arc... what's the overall consensus, guys? Should I go back and buy the 3 issues?
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Offline Nekobaghira

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #1115 on: June 22, 2017, 12:50:50 PM »
Storywise - it wasn't bad for a 3 issue arc. It was heavily about Kitty and Rachel but that was okay. The Storm/Gambit stuff in #6 was good. I don't regret having these issues or going out and buying them. Keep in mind, in the end ... not much Gambit.

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #1116 on: June 22, 2017, 01:00:18 PM »
Looking forward to Stegman's Gambit in full color.

As for this past Gold arc... what's the overall consensus, guys? Should I go back and buy the 3 issues?

Some really hate it and some like it.
I understand why it is hated but I liked it.

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #1117 on: June 22, 2017, 01:01:06 PM »
Hmm... I'm probably gonna pass then. I'll wait for Astonishing.
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Offline Nekobaghira

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #1118 on: June 22, 2017, 01:07:56 PM »
Then there is the creating the issue for the team to solve and not part of helping in the solution. I saw those comments on CBR and well, I can't debate it.

Gambit was used for a plot device and in general wasn't a very good appearance for him.

He made a mistake that really blew up in his face, and there is no going back on it.

I dunno guys - Gambit is just written horribly so much of late, he is not the character we know and love.

Offline DonPriceTag

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #1119 on: June 28, 2017, 08:07:56 AM »
Weak editorial. There's a theory crafted by a Youtuber called "Diversity and Comics". He says Marvel has been burned so many times in the past (starting with the Image exodus in the early 90s), that they don't allow too many people to have power, so if they leave it doesnt hurt them. It's why Bendis is really the only "star" writer. He's a company man with interest vetted into the company. He isnt going anywhere. But he pointed out that any time a book does really well under a writer or creative team, the book is canceled somewhere before 30 issues or so (unless it's an Avengers book, then the creative team just switches up), the writer and/or artist are moved to something else, and the process is repeated until you hear about them pursuing "creator owned" properties or just working with DC or a smaller publisher. He cited several instances and it's holding up pretty well (Remender, Hicks, Mann; to name a few). With this revolving door of creators the editors dont have much control over the books, especially over star writers like Bendis who basically does whatever he wants. There are only a handful of editors that oversee the offices, like Ketchum was over the X-Men, before being fired. Under them, are even less powerful assistant editors (typically between 21 and 25 years old), which do most of the work in terms of fact checking, and continuity assurance... These assistant editors are many and don't last long. Most are afraid of making a mistake or upsetting anyone. Vast majority, if not all, operate out of the NYC office, which I hear is a place of fear and dread. No one wants to lose their foot in the door and know they are expendable. They aren't going to call out their book's writer on something that's less than accurate. In turn we get characterizations and interactions that generally don't hold up properly when scrutinized.
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

Offline purplevit

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #1120 on: June 28, 2017, 10:51:20 AM »
Cool Gambit fan made video with Daken

Gambit Teaser 2018

Offline wantutosigh

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #1121 on: June 29, 2017, 05:13:24 PM »
I saw that the other day. It's pretty cool. Don't love the guys look and his normal southern accent or the telekinetic cards but it's still pretty awesome that it was made with such love.

Offline Nekobaghira

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #1122 on: June 29, 2017, 06:17:03 PM »
I think its cool fans make things like this ... I didn't watch it all but I thought the guy playing G wasn't too bad.

Offline DonPriceTag

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #1123 on: July 01, 2017, 09:44:15 PM »
With the 2nd run of the Deadpool kills the Marvel Universe foolishness, we saw that he kills someone that vaguely resembles Gambit, written by someone that claimed to be a fan of his. So is it official that Gambit is now some sort of running joke over at Marvel? From what we got of the dialogue (all dialogue is a look into the writer's opinion), killing Gambit off in these little self contained stories is source of entertainment. Everytime they use Gambit in anything I get ready to cringe.

The current crop doesn't have a high opinion of him and basically ignore anything that doesn't add up to their narrative and the group coming up after them seems to be infatuated with TAS version, probably mostly because he's been mishandled since 07 with only one exception (the Asmus run). I'm beginning to dread the idea of him being lost in the shuffle forever.
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

Offline Meliorist

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #1124 on: July 01, 2017, 10:01:01 PM »
Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if he went the way of Captain Marvel. Disappear utterly and completely, until such a time that someone with a passion for Gambit can write him.

I am kind of falling into the idea that I would rather there never be a Gambit movie than a bad one.

Comic Gambit kind of comes off as a punching bag. Akin to the Deadpool Kills, I remember seeing a snippet with MODOX using his psychic powers to pop Gambit's head, sometime during that battle universe thing