Does it matter who warned you? You were warned. You chose to ignore that warning. And you can't really claim ignorance as I recall people speculating about what the warning meant (e.g death, etc.) so not sure what more you want Marvel to do.
Hmm... Incoming wall of words. Trying to be optimistic, he never said which fans would be upset. It's not like Gambit fans were the only ones reading the issue. It could have easily been Rogue, or Torch, which what is what I was hoping for, Gambit getting the better end of the deal, maybe fooling the team and making them look silly. And you do realize I said I went into it knowing, and stated I was talking in a vacuum? I didn't go into anything blind, but with high hopes. Sue me. I'm trying to talk with you man, not argue a point... Unless you work for Marvel's Marketing Department? But its not like this is some nonsensical topic, CBR who's been known to not be overly pro-Gambit chose to even bring it via an article and thread, not because it was a huge lead up twist, but because it left a lot of folk hanging.
You really zeroed in on the word "ethics", but yeah telling the consumer one thing it turns out to be something else, isn't the most ethical act in terms of being upfront, its not illegal technically but its been known to sprout class action lawsuits. That's the business of sales sometimes. And yeah its happened in movies too, and it pissed people off as well then too. I think Brad Pitt was billed in a movie and despite trailers and posters, was only in like 5 minutes of it. Or that fairly tale movie "Bridges of something" that was advertised as a whimsical family movie but turned out to be extremely depressing and left people crying because some little girl died LOL. Or that terrible FF7 movie (and I'm a car guy! 02' Subie Bugeye) that supposedly had the Rock in it... Yeah he was in the first 5 minutes and the last 15 and sprinkled in the middle inside a hospital bed. So any Rock fans got a little shorted, but that could have been due to the reshoots following Walker's death. But I digress...
I was using this here as just a way to make a point, not actually calling Marvel anything. I did say marketing did their job. And uhh, for lack of better words... Duh, a lot of people got burned. Anyone who bought this hoping it would be Gambit as it was aggressively advertised as, got burned. I don't follow this book and bought it because they said my favorite character would be a part of it. So bravo to them.
Again, I give them credit for selling some books at the expense of fan expectation.
There was no "warning" beyond some snitch who got the book early a night before and told the internet "its not Gambit". The only warning anyone could have taken to heart that something negative may happen was using lessons from the past. In which case we should stop reading altogether, something a lot of people here said they had done already. I read one book, the Ultimates. I came over and picked up UA for one reason. Marvel didn't give anyone a heads up LOL.
I remember Brevoort saying something about X-Men fans specifically but I don't see how that translates to "Gambit fans beware, ignore the cover, solicitations and mass of interview questions about him!". Marvel didn't give warnings, one person said something ambiguous. Only clue we had was their track record. Sometimes I think we forget that we aren't the normal fans. We have direct links to the industry. We read insider interviews and solicitations that someone who just goes into a store once a month or opens there comic app, don't. I'd say less than 10% of the readership has a CBR account, heck I'm the "hardcore fan" and didn't have one until last year LOL!
Purp: I also remember Duggan saying along the lines of "
some fans aren't going to be happy" purposely not specifying what fans (which makes sense, he never gave away any details). It led to a lot of us talking about it here and CBR. It was even part of my dialogue with him via Twitter. I'll try to find it for you Purp

To end defending my opinion... I'm starting to think you guys assumed i was talking about you when I said "some people got a kick out of it". Sorry if you felt I was pointing a finger, but there were more then a few folk on CBR that really liked the twist, mostly because they didn't want to see Gambit in the book or just thought it was funny (laughing at Gambit fans) in a "nah nah nah-nah-nah" kind of way. So... some people did get a kick out of it.