I don't think you can criticize people for not 'listening' to brevoort's warning. He said x-fans would be pissed not gambit fans. It's pretty well 'documented' that marvel doesn't care what gambit fan think or else he'd actually be in a book now and they wouldn't have let Carey squash him to live out his old man abuse fantasy in legacy. I did think he might get killed, because an xmen dying in an avenegers book would piss off xfans. The oops it's not really gambit wouldn't have bothered 'xfans' who weren't particularly gambit fans, and it didn't. Given past behavior, there's absolutely no reason to think brevoort was talking about gambit or a bait and switch. I think was of the running theories was that rogue would be cured of being a mutant in order to cure the t-mist problem.