Author Topic: Gambit Watch  (Read 1493125 times)

Offline cc008

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #780 on: February 28, 2017, 12:12:53 PM »
Is Bella 1000% going to be the love interest in the (first) movie? Like I agree she should be, but is that confirmed?  I feel like the script has gone through the ringer since the last time we may have heard anything about it
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Offline Dantay

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #781 on: February 28, 2017, 12:38:47 PM »
Is Bella 1000% going to be the love interest in the (first) movie? Like I agree she should be, but is that confirmed?  I feel like the script has gone through the ringer since the last time we may have heard anything about it

it doesnt matter, because whoever it is i will call them Bella, when my friend who i drag along for the hundredth time to watch this film goes hey is that Rogue (an it very may well be) i will say "no you filthy pessent, that is Belladonna Boudreaux his wife"

Offline purplevit

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #782 on: February 28, 2017, 01:37:24 PM »
I don't know if you have enough material there for both of them to be standalone movies.  You could probably have an entire movie focused on New Orleans and the Guilds but I think the Genevieve story probably needs to be part of some larger story.  It's not a love story but essentially a story of a con man getting someone to fall in love with him in order to steal from her all ending in her death.  We don't care all that much in the comics because we barely knew Genevieve and she is simply a plot device to move Gambit's character along but in a movie devoted to this story where the character of Genevieve gets a lot of screen time, I think it would turn off audiences.

I think Julian and Candra and Guilds must be villains in first movie. Sinister only to appear as Essex and should stay in shadows. No marauders.

Then in second movie let Gambit to join X-Men.
MM and marauders must be a secret. Sabretooth in mansion who knows secrets tells Rogue in flashbacks about Genevieve.
Genevieve story is only to build tention to Gambit/Rogue. Fights Sinister at the end with X-Men. MM and Marauders secrets revelead.
Left to die in Antarctica or changed to smth more logical but Remy won't stay with X-Men.

In third origin is revealed. He unites Guilds and fights someone like New Sun but not from alt reality Gambit.

Team X movies in future or X-Force between solos.

Offline remydat

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #783 on: February 28, 2017, 03:18:59 PM »
Hmm, I think I prefer his solo movies to not deal with any of the X-men team stuff.  Let that be handled in the team films.  His solo should be about his origins or after he joins the X-men and if he still has solo movies then they should be about his time away from the X-men thieving.

You also have to consider the timing of when all these movies are coming out.  Right now we are looking at 2019 for the first Gambit film so most likely not until 2021 for a second Gambit film.  I know we didn't find out in the comics about his role in the MM until after he joined the team but my concern in waiting in the live films is that the gap between movies is so large that you'd literally be waiting like 7-10 years from now before we got to the the Mutant Massacre if it wasn't covered early in the main X-men films and/or a Gambit film.

So I think they are two realistic avenues for the Mutant Massacre.  The first would be the Mutant Massacre should be handled in the next X-men film told from the perspective of the X-men.  That movie should drop in 2018 or 2019 so right before or right after the first Gambit movie.  In that movie, the only villains we ever see are Sinister and the Marauders with perhaps an after credits scene teasing Storm bringing Gambit to the X-Mansion.  If this happens before the first Gambit film then you could have the Gambit film be Gambit recounting the story of his life to the X-men after being introduced to them via Storm.  Then you would probably have an X-men film in like 2020 or 2021 where Gambit is on a full member of the team as well as the second Gambit film where his relationship with Sinister and the Marauders and his role in the Mutant Massacre is revealed.  Perhaps after the climatic battle with the Marauders, Gambit encounters an amnesiac Storm which is how he ends up joining the X-men and leaves the audience knowing that both the X-men and Gambit were involved in the MM but without the Gambit and the X-men knowing about each other's involvement.

The other option IMO would be leaving the MM out of Gambit solo films but instead have the Mutant Massacre as part of a main X-men film but told from two different perspectives ie form the perspective of the X-men and from perspective of Gambit.  In this scenario then the 2nd Gambit film could be about his meeting Storm and their adventures together prior to him joining the X-men with again neither side aware of each other's role.

In the end, my point is I think you need to tackle it earlier because the longer you wait, the less likely it gets tackled at all just due to the fickle nature of movie making and the long time periods involved.  Hoping for it to be covered in like the 3rd Gambit movie or some the X-men movie in like 2024 is a bit wishful thinking IMO.
"Let me go first Lorna.  I"m their freaking king!"

Offline purplevit

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #784 on: February 28, 2017, 03:58:13 PM »
New Gambit sketch from Silva.
Not very positive(

Previous sketch was with Gambit and explosion.
Maybe he created big explosion so it will threw him away from falling?
« Last Edit: February 28, 2017, 04:23:22 PM by purplevit »

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #785 on: February 28, 2017, 04:01:57 PM »
If Gambit will be in future then he has no place in past movies with X kids. I doubt that Fox will dol past and future X-Men teams at the same time

I afraid we will see Gambit with X team only in his solo. Or maybe he will be with X-Force

Offline remydat

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #786 on: February 28, 2017, 04:08:13 PM »
If Gambit will be in future then he has no place in past movies with X kids. I doubt that Fox will dol past and future X-Men teams at the same time

I afraid we will see Gambit with X team only in his solo. Or maybe he will be with X-Force

Well not sure the X-men franchise will stay in the past or even exist in their current form.  Seems like Deadpool, X-force, and New Mutants will all be in the present so I doubt they leave the X-men in the past.
"Let me go first Lorna.  I"m their freaking king!"

Offline purplevit

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #787 on: February 28, 2017, 04:11:38 PM »
Well not sure the X-men franchise will stay in the past or even exist in their current form.  Seems like Deadpool, X-force, and New Mutants will all be in the present so I doubt they leave the X-men in the past.

If plans hadn't changed New Mutans are in 80's with X-Men.

Offline remydat

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #788 on: February 28, 2017, 04:55:06 PM »
I didn't think that was confirmed but just speculated on since Storm was suppose to be in it.  Then again so is Sunspot and last we saw him he was with Adult Storm in DOFP portrayed by a younger looking actor so I know they said people could be born earlier in the this new timeline but that's like a 20-30 year different in ages it seems.  Unless they just ignore that version of Sunspot.

I guess we will have to wait and see.
"Let me go first Lorna.  I"m their freaking king!"

Offline Dantay

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #789 on: February 28, 2017, 05:18:37 PM »
Gambit will not be apart of New Mutants (pretty sure the line up has already been revealed) or X-Force, and i doubt he will be part of the X-Men Nove thingy either as it will more than likely take place in the 90s, but Tatum is A-List word when he first got the gig was that after Jackman left they were going to build the franchise around him

Offline remydat

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #790 on: February 28, 2017, 06:10:44 PM »
Gambit will not be apart of New Mutants (pretty sure the line up has already been revealed) or X-Force, and i doubt he will be part of the X-Men Nove thingy either as it will more than likely take place in the 90s, but Tatum is A-List word when he first got the gig was that after Jackman left they were going to build the franchise around him

No I think made the comment that New Mutants was in the present and so Purp was saying he thought it was the same time period as the main franchise not that Gambit would be in it.

Separate from that we were speculating that he would be in the main X-movies at some point but that would most likely be in future movies not the movies coming up in the next year or two.

I would think that the most logical step would be that within the next 2 movies (for each franchise) or so New Mutants, X-men, and X-force will all exist within the same time period.  In that scenario Reynolds can be the guy they build X-force around and Tatum can play the Wolverine role for the X-men team but given the run rate of the movies that's something like 5 years away or so in Tatum's case.
"Let me go first Lorna.  I"m their freaking king!"

Offline cc008

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #791 on: February 28, 2017, 07:04:12 PM »
it doesnt matter, because whoever it is i will call them Bella, when my friend who i drag along for the hundredth time to watch this film goes hey is that Rogue (an it very may well be) i will say "no you filthy pessent, that is Belladonna Boudreaux his wife"

lol true!!!!
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Offline cc008

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #792 on: February 28, 2017, 07:06:13 PM »
I would think that the most logical step would be that within the next 2 movies (for each franchise) or so New Mutants, X-men, and X-force will all exist within the same time period.  In that scenario Reynolds can be the guy they build X-force around and Tatum can play the Wolverine role for the X-men team but given the run rate of the movies that's something like 5 years away or so in Tatum's case.

And if Russell Crowe really ends up playing Cable, they won't have a problem with star power. At all.
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Offline DonPriceTag

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #793 on: February 28, 2017, 09:51:02 PM »
Hmm, I think I prefer his solo movies to not deal with any of the X-men team stuff.  Let that be handled in the team films.  His solo should be about his origins or after he joins the X-men and if he still has solo movies then they should be about his time away from the X-men thieving.

You also have to consider the timing of when all these movies are coming out.  Right now we are looking at 2019 for the first Gambit film so most likely not until 2021 for a second Gambit film.  I know we didn't find out in the comics about his role in the MM until after he joined the team but my concern in waiting in the live films is that the gap between movies is so large that you'd literally be waiting like 7-10 years from now before we got to the the Mutant Massacre if it wasn't covered early in the main X-men films and/or a Gambit film.

So I think they are two realistic avenues for the Mutant Massacre.  The first would be the Mutant Massacre should be handled in the next X-men film told from the perspective of the X-men.  That movie should drop in 2018 or 2019 so right before or right after the first Gambit movie.  In that movie, the only villains we ever see are Sinister and the Marauders with perhaps an after credits scene teasing Storm bringing Gambit to the X-Mansion.  If this happens before the first Gambit film then you could have the Gambit film be Gambit recounting the story of his life to the X-men after being introduced to them via Storm.  Then you would probably have an X-men film in like 2020 or 2021 where Gambit is on a full member of the team as well as the second Gambit film where his relationship with Sinister and the Marauders and his role in the Mutant Massacre is revealed.  Perhaps after the climatic battle with the Marauders, Gambit encounters an amnesiac Storm which is how he ends up joining the X-men and leaves the audience knowing that both the X-men and Gambit were involved in the MM but without the Gambit and the X-men knowing about each other's involvement.

The other option IMO would be leaving the MM out of Gambit solo films but instead have the Mutant Massacre as part of a main X-men film but told from two different perspectives ie form the perspective of the X-men and from perspective of Gambit.  In this scenario then the 2nd Gambit film could be about his meeting Storm and their adventures together prior to him joining the X-men with again neither side aware of each other's role.

In the end, my point is I think you need to tackle it earlier because the longer you wait, the less likely it gets tackled at all just due to the fickle nature of movie making and the long time periods involved.  Hoping for it to be covered in like the 3rd Gambit movie or some the X-men movie in like 2024 is a bit wishful thinking IMO.

What if they do go ahead with 2nd movie ending with the massacre, but Gambit, somewhat succeeding, but not really, is dying of his wounds and is rescued by the X-Men? Either after the fight, or at the last minute saving him from a deathblow. Kind of end the movie there as a crazy cliffhanger moment we wouldnt have to wait 2 years to see continued (hopefully they'd either begin or already start filming the team movie at that point). It could cut right after they save him or with him waking up in the X-Mansion (Like Wolverine in DoFP) with let's say, whoever's playing Rogue standing over him (que insane theater cheering) or Wolverine, Beast etc. Either way, they'd have no way of knowing his involvement and not being able to read his mind, it wouldnt be revealed he's the one that brought the Marauders to the tunnels. Something that can play as a subplot in an X-Men team film, possibly with Sinister as the "big bad". I think this would work about as good the Wolverine/Striker conflict in X2, especially if Fox moves forward with throwing all their support behind Tatum as the centerpiece like they wanted before Deadpool. The X-Men save Gambit, and they bond with him as they nurse him back to health, fight alongside him, just to discover he's responsible for the very mess they rescued him from, not to mention dozens of mutant deaths and guilty of lying because he'd have to come up with some sort of story that shines a positive light as to why he was there in the first place.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2017, 09:52:53 PM by DonPriceTag »
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

Offline purplevit

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #794 on: March 01, 2017, 05:39:55 PM »
Got answered question in X-Po with editors

And here’s a question from Purplevit about everyone’s favorite Ragin’ Cajun…

Gambit wasn’t a part of any ongoing for years and appeared only as guest star. Can we expect Gambit to join any teams in 2017?

Robinson: I think you’re gonna wanna see the cover to “X-Men Gold” #4, Purp…

Paniccia: And there’s some place else he could be popping in the summer. Shhhhh.