So... A satellite book. A collection of short stories with a revolving cast, no true focus, that will probably have no bearing on the outside world and is only slightly steeped in continuity. This could be interesting or extremely pretentious.I can see why telling us any information could be... precocious. I don't think there will any real arcs but a single story being told over an unforseen measure of time. A synopsis of the book would be confusing and probably have 3 to 4 plot points. This could be good or a huge cluster @#_$ of characters acting unlike themselves for the sake of a story.Trying to summarize the book would be like giving someone of synopsis of Game of Thrones or 91210. There are like 7 to 10 characters all doing different things but heading in the same direction, more or less. Some stories matter more than others but it's all relevant.
This treasure is hiden really good:)Pic with Kitty at the table. Photo with silhouettes on the right of her.
CBR has been making a lot of lists lately. I guess any thing that's helpful.