There's go my rack-scan... I mean, who was the editor that said this was something people want? The only people that care about this are the same people who say "I can't wait for the Kitty Pryde movie!" Why? She's had one story of relevance outside of the late 80s. Some people talk about DoFP like its up there with Dark Phoenix. Listen here, DoFP was two issues. So that's it. "Professor Xavier is a Jerk!" and DoFP before being in Excalibur and then limbo basically until the late 90s when she came back to the X-Men proper, at such time I can't recall her doing anything until Whedon's Astonishing run. Kitty is not this transcending fan-mongering vehicle. I can ask everyone I work with "who's Kitty Pryde?" and they'll shrug. Guaranteed. Oh, right, they tried to make her a thing in X-Men Evolution.