Author Topic: Gambit Movie News  (Read 749633 times)

Offline Sparta

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Re: Gambit Movie News
« Reply #2085 on: August 20, 2020, 05:48:22 PM »
That said, as flawed as the MCU films are. The idea of an MCU Gambit that makes solid contributions to the franchise (maybe even a solo film) will beat the hell out of what we got from Fox. So I'd take that any day of the week.

Let's face it, it all reflects on the comics. It's no coincidence that Gambit's profile diminished ever since 'X-Men' came out in 2000. In 1999-early 2000 he had a solo title (that was successful in sales) and he lead Uncanny X-Men. Then Quesada took over wanting to get movie fans into comics and that was the beginning of the end. Fox kept dishing out Wolverine films called 'X-Men' ...and we got books saturated with Wolverine.

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Re: Gambit Movie News
« Reply #2086 on: August 20, 2020, 06:01:18 PM »

I didn't mind GotG 1, it was goofy but sort of fun. GotG2 all I can think is wtf! Didn't anyone write a script or just used lyrics from 70's songs Brandi by Looking Glass and The Chain by Fleetwood Mac. More so the Brandi song, the whole script was too closely based on it. The fact they wasted time with both songs more than once in the film is really disappointing.

Agree about Ant-Man and Wasp. I haven't seen Captain Marvel yet and the only thing I'm looking forward to if I do watch it is the cat. Doesn't say much. Black Panther just another introduction film to me, the same Doc Strange. I didn't like any of the Thor movies but the first one. I did like the Avengers1 but I didn't like the two wrap up films, they both pissed me off. I don't like cliff hangers for one (Avengers Infinity War), and then the craptascular ending in End Game.

I loved GotG vol 1. Vol 2 was still fine, but some scenes were ridiculous (the pac-man morphing, throwing David Hassalhoff in there) I mean just cheap laughs, it's a Disney thing I guess. Infinity War and Endgame, I've only seen once and that was enough for me, I actually don't remember a lot of what happened. I have no desire to see those multiple times whereas a lot of people do.

Offline hairlesscat

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Re: Gambit Movie News
« Reply #2087 on: August 20, 2020, 10:38:31 PM »

I totally agree. This is what I've been worried about. That they'll just turn Gambit into the X-Men's version of Ant-Man or Starlord. Remy Lebeau is not a goofball and a simpleton. I would love to believe that they would not reduce his character like that. I mean, Ant-Man and Starlord needed to be punched up for films probably but Gambit is a much more fleshed out character with a unique personality. But with the woke agenda we see nowadays, I am definitely worried they'll reduce him to a lovable idiot. But I certainly hope I'm wrong.
What does an alleged "woke agenda" have to do with them reducing him to a "lovable idiot"? I am so confused as to what one has to do with the other.

Also, let's not get pessimistic for no reason. I think the MCU has done quite well interpreting characters up to this point. I see no reason to believe that Gambit would be some special exception to the rule. Also, Gambit definitely has his share of goofball in him. See: Fabian Nicieza's run. Gambit, imo, is at his best when he is a proper mix of goofball and serious. He hasn't really been only dark and broody since the early 90's when Claremont had him. And I don't want to go back to that Gambit.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2020, 10:40:06 PM by hairlesscat »

Offline wantutosigh

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Re: Gambit Movie News
« Reply #2088 on: August 21, 2020, 01:23:54 PM »
What does an alleged "woke agenda" have to do with them reducing him to a "lovable idiot"? I am so confused as to what one has to do with the other.

Also, let's not get pessimistic for no reason. I think the MCU has done quite well interpreting characters up to this point. I see no reason to believe that Gambit would be some special exception to the rule. Also, Gambit definitely has his share of goofball in him. See: Fabian Nicieza's run. Gambit, imo, is at his best when he is a proper mix of goofball and serious. He hasn't really been only dark and broody since the early 90's when Claremont had him. And I don't want to go back to that Gambit.

Well, let me try to explain. Gambit is a straight white male who is cunning, morally ambiguous, and a ladies man. Characters like that seem to be deemed "problematic" now-a-days. So I have a worry that they'll want to change him a bit to try to make him less edgy and more lovable by making him dopey. Like Ant-Man and Starlord. Those are morally questionable "charming" characters as well but are un-threatening and silly. I just hope they don't turn Gambit into one of them so he seems more PC. The way they do things now I have concern they will mess him up. A couple years ago I would have been totally confident.

By the way "goofball" is not a way I would ever describe Gambit. Unless he's written poorly. Gambit has a sharp wit, a sense of humor and sarcasm and can be very fun. But he's not a dummy. Even in his early years he had all these qualities. He's too slick to be a goofball like Peter Quill and Scott Lang. And if you start him off with "goofball" qualities it'll just get worse really fast. Some of the MCU characters have become really silly over time.

Offline Nevaratoiel

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Re: Gambit Movie News
« Reply #2089 on: September 16, 2020, 06:20:47 AM »
I'm still alive and kicking (for anyone that cares  ;) ). Just been busy and with the Gambit movie being stuck in a limbo, I kind of moved on.... (and started a business in Graphic Design! Yeah, well... enough about that, um... hehe)
Last week, in a spur of the moment, I went to check online for any news about the movie, and I stumbled this:

It's a fan film, 20 minutes long, but I thought it was pretty interesting...
And that's my contribution for this year.  :P
Nicole a.k.a. Nev a.k.a. Neva

I come and go, and come and go, but you're not rid of me that easily... ;D
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Offline wantutosigh

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Re: Gambit Movie News
« Reply #2090 on: September 16, 2020, 02:18:09 PM »
We are all aware of it and it's great it's past 3.2 million views already.

Heres a list cbr made of characters who need a proper reboot in the movies. Very happy with their #1 choice.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2020, 02:20:41 PM by wantutosigh »

Offline hairlesscat

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Re: Gambit Movie News
« Reply #2091 on: September 28, 2020, 06:29:47 AM »

Well, let me try to explain. Gambit is a straight white male who is cunning, morally ambiguous, and a ladies man. Characters like that seem to be deemed "problematic" now-a-days. So I have a worry that they'll want to change him a bit to try to make him less edgy and more lovable by making him dopey. Like Ant-Man and Starlord. Those are morally questionable "charming" characters as well but are un-threatening and silly. I just hope they don't turn Gambit into one of them so he seems more PC. The way they do things now I have concern they will mess him up. A couple years ago I would have been totally confident.

By the way "goofball" is not a way I would ever describe Gambit. Unless he's written poorly. Gambit has a sharp wit, a sense of humor and sarcasm and can be very fun. But he's not a dummy. Even in his early years he had all these qualities. He's too slick to be a goofball like Peter Quill and Scott Lang. And if you start him off with "goofball" qualities it'll just get worse really fast. Some of the MCU characters have become really silly over time.
Gambit once mused about being a king geek and makes Star Trek references. He's goofy asf. He is also sarcastic, cunning, intelligent, and an all-around badass. He can be (and often is) all of those things at once. Like any good character, he is multifaceted.

I see no reason why the MCU would do worse with him than any other character they've already done. They've done well so far, so I guess I just don't see any cause for skepticism. But we may just have to disagree on this point, because I also don't believe that white men are under some kind of secret, nefarious attack in comic books.

Offline Toadman005

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Re: Gambit Movie News
« Reply #2092 on: September 29, 2020, 09:49:26 AM »
Gambit once mused about being a king geek and makes Star Trek references. He's goofy asf. He is also sarcastic, cunning, intelligent, and an all-around badass. He can be (and often is) all of those things at once. Like any good character, he is multifaceted.

I see no reason why the MCU would do worse with him than any other character they've already done. They've done well so far, so I guess I just don't see any cause for skepticism. But we may just have to disagree on this point, because I also don't believe that white men are under some kind of secret, nefarious attack in comic books.

Unfortunately, he's also a LSU fan.
\"Say, do you hear that? It\'s the sound of the Reaper...\"

Offline bigbarda

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Re: Gambit Movie News
« Reply #2093 on: September 29, 2020, 01:15:29 PM »

Unfortunately, he's also a LSU fan.

Andy Kubert's fashion choices that issue have always irked me.

Offline Toadman005

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Re: Gambit Movie News
« Reply #2094 on: September 29, 2020, 02:10:28 PM »
Agreed x 1,000!
\"Say, do you hear that? It\'s the sound of the Reaper...\"

Offline wantutosigh

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Re: Gambit Movie News
« Reply #2095 on: September 30, 2020, 02:46:24 PM »
Gambit once mused about being a king geek and makes Star Trek references. He's goofy asf. He is also sarcastic, cunning, intelligent, and an all-around badass. He can be (and often is) all of those things at once. Like any good character, he is multifaceted.

I see no reason why the MCU would do worse with him than any other character they've already done. They've done well so far, so I guess I just don't see any cause for skepticism. But we may just have to disagree on this point, because I also don't believe that white men are under some kind of secret, nefarious attack in comic books.

Well we're going to have to agree to disagree a lot then. I've made my points pretty clear on this. It's simple, if they wind up making Gambit goofy along the lines of Starlord or Ant-Man I will be disappointed. And I disagree that Gambit is "goofy af". We can all point to this or that in the comics to support a case. Hell, I can point to specific comics and say Gambit is a sad depressed character who let's others treat him like a jerk. That's not what I want to see in the movies. And a bumbling goofball is not how I want to see him portrayed either. We have enough of that. Gambit is the chance for something different from a character.

And if you'd payed attention to a lot of content creators, writers, movie producers etc you would pretty clearly see there is nothing secret about it. Ghostbusters(2016), Star Wars, Terminator, Birds of Prey, Charlies Angels, Ocean's 8, the Star Trek Series Discovery and Picard have all suffered for the sake of forcing "progressive" ideas over good plot, story, and characters. The MCU has been criticized for having too many straight white male heroes and not enough diversity. They have talked about catering more towards those criticisms and I have legitimate concern on how it's going to affect Gambit's character and place in things going forward. I hope my concerns get completely wiped away and they do great job with Gambit and make us all proud with his portrayal and introduce new audiences to him. But I do have some concern.

One thing that would boost my confidence through the roof, would be if rumors are true that Kevin Feige is a big Gambit fan. If that is true I don't think we have to worry about someone coming in and carelessly handling the character and screwing him up.

Offline Nekobaghira

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Re: Gambit Movie News
« Reply #2096 on: October 01, 2020, 08:22:26 AM »
blasphemy incoming! LOL

Blame Nicieza and Claremont for the goof ball stuff. Fabian with Buffy and Star Trek and Claremont for changing Gambit's last name to Picard in one of his AU books that had Gambit in it. I think anyway for Fabian, I remember a panel with Professor X talking to Gambit and he had popcorn in his hands and was watching Buffy. If I have the wrong writer, apologies.

I never liked Buffy, dumb movie and show was total angst. I'm out when the angst meter is too much and if its on CW, might as not bother.

I don't want a joke of a movie.

Why not a good heist or suspense type thing? That would work, use Gambit's background.
My quarters worth anyway.  :gambit:
« Last Edit: October 01, 2020, 08:31:12 AM by Nekobaghira »

Offline DonPriceTag

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Re: Gambit Movie News
« Reply #2097 on: October 01, 2020, 08:33:14 AM »
Gambit's personality is... complex. At his core, Gambit is intensely cocky, brash, witty but very cerebral. Gambit does show "goofiness" but often that part of him is a mask. Some might say he's confident to the point of arrogance, but again, its not what is at his core. That's an air he puts out so what's really going on doesn't show. In reality, Gambit is extremely self-conscious. Not that he doesn't believe that he's attractive. No. He knows very well what he looks like. Its far more about his worthiness to be in the company of heroes and good people as he doesn't believe that he is in truth a "good person" or truly an honorable man. Not that he's done anything in the present to prove this - but as we all know - he's got a messy past full of mistakes, wrong turns and overall a shadowy origin where he's not even sure if he was conceived through love or for some nefarious reason such as ending the world.

It's probably why he hold onto Rogue so tightly, not just because he loves her - but because she anchors him. Like most X-Men he recognizes her virtue (>.>) and hopes that it will act as his North star. Not that he doesn't know better, but because I believe he thinks she won't allow him to steer to far of course (oh... that was good.). At the same time - he is a bit of nerd like the rest of us. He's a Trekkie, obviously has read or watched the Harry Porter series and like Nightcrawler enjoys a highflying, swashbuckling lifestyle. Not sure why they don't adventure together more often. There's a tight rope to writing him. He's not the clownish one-dimensional loser these uber-nerd 80s obsessed writers make him out to be. The best iteration of Gambit I've seen thus far was from an unrealized movie script (2015). Hopefully Disney/Marvel takes some pointers from that work.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2020, 08:35:57 AM by DonPriceTag »
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

Offline bigbarda

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Re: Gambit Movie News
« Reply #2098 on: October 01, 2020, 02:22:54 PM »
Well we're going to have to agree to disagree a lot then. I've made my points pretty clear on this. It's simple, if they wind up making Gambit goofy along the lines of Starlord or Ant-Man I will be disappointed.

StarLord and Ant-Man are played by actors who specialise in comedy. The same for Thor- Hemsworth tried playing it serious in the first two Thor movies, but he's more fun as an actor when he's playing to his comedic strengths. If 30-something Daniel Day-Lewis had been cast in the same role with the same script he'd have given a completely different performance. The snippets of Eric Stolz's performance as Marty McFly are a really good example of the difference casting makes.

And I disagree that Gambit is "goofy af". We can all point to this or that in the comics to support a case. Hell, I can point to specific comics and say Gambit is a sad depressed character who let's others treat him like a jerk. That's not what I want to see in the movies. And a bumbling goofball is not how I want to see him portrayed either. We have enough of that. Gambit is the chance for something different from a character.

I don't think anyone wants him played like Kramer from Seinfeld.

And if you'd payed attention to a lot of content creators, writers, movie producers etc you would pretty clearly see there is nothing secret about it. Ghostbusters(2016), Star Wars, Terminator, Birds of Prey, Charlies Angels, Ocean's 8, the Star Trek Series Discovery and Picard have all suffered for the sake of forcing "progressive" ideas over good plot, story, and characters.

Having an equal amount of female characters to male characters is not being progressive. It's reflecting reality. You can pick out flops like Charlie's Angels or Terminator Dark Fate as examples of wokeness inevitably sinking movies, but every Terminator movie since 1992 has sucked and underperformed at the box office compared to the franchise's name recognition and the blame for 3 & 4 didn't focus on too many men and robots. Those movies sucking is a lot more to do with incompetence at the senior executive level across the film industry (see:Wild Wild West and the guy at Fox who just didn't like the look of Galactus).

Birds of Prey is actually an enjoyable enough film, but whoever decided to release it under that title rather than 'Harley Quinn (and the Birds of Prey') is an idiot. 'Birds of Prey' has no name recognition. Most movie goers are low information and go by the poster and the title.

The MCU has been criticized for having too many straight white male heroes and not enough diversity. They have talked about catering more towards those criticisms and I have legitimate concern on how it's going to affect Gambit's character and place in things going forward. I hope my concerns get completely wiped away and they do great job with Gambit and make us all proud with his portrayal and introduce new audiences to him. But I do have some concern.

Why would it effect Gambit's character? CC and FabNic didn't write him as a creep or a loser. The 2015 Gambit script sticks pretty close to the Gambit vol. 2 version of the character (although, further to my points about the film industry above, I don't know how Fox could have marketed it).

One thing that would boost my confidence through the roof, would be if rumors are true that Kevin Feige is a big Gambit fan. If that is true I don't think we have to worry about someone coming in and carelessly handling the character and screwing him up.

Feige is a big X-fan and got his start producing on those movies. Gambit is one of a handful of characters who haven't been beaten to death by Fox, and he'd fit in with the street-level Falcon&TWS strand of the MCU as well as the superhero one.

Offline Toadman005

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Re: Gambit Movie News
« Reply #2099 on: October 01, 2020, 05:03:06 PM »
blasphemy incoming! LOL

Blame Nicieza and Claremont for the goof ball stuff. Fabian with Buffy and Star Trek and Claremont for changing Gambit's last name to Picard in one of his AU books that had Gambit in it. I think anyway for Fabian, I remember a panel with Professor X talking to Gambit and he had popcorn in his hands and was watching Buffy. If I have the wrong writer, apologies.

I never liked Buffy, dumb movie and show was total angst. I'm out when the angst meter is too much and if its on CW, might as not bother.

I don't want a joke of a movie.

Why not a good heist or suspense type thing? That would work, use Gambit's background.
My quarters worth anyway.  :gambit:


You're dead to me.

Just kidding, but, Buffy is a great show, especially once Angel leaves. I admit the Buffy/Angel angst was insufferable. It's an odd show in that the first 3 seasons and the last 3 (with season 4 being a forgettable transition season) almost feel like two entirely different shows.
\"Say, do you hear that? It\'s the sound of the Reaper...\"