That's a lot of text. But I agree. It's sudden. Even KT was against the idea, but I think that is why it's good she's writing it. She has prospective and will probably start filling in gaps that would need to be to make this believable. In a lot of ways I think things are getting blown out of proportion. It really isn't that serious of a leap. People get married for dumber reasons than this and last for years if not until death. Perhaps via movie and other media we look at "what needs to happen before _____" without realizing, no everything isn't so cut and dry or by the numbers.
Also, you find the idea of Deadpool being disruptive, odd? He's Deadpool. This is what he does. I guarantee to you, they won't be the ones seeking him out. This is partially to address the elephant in the room and have fun because as the gauntlet of reactions go that they have to endure, this'll be the most harmless and fun. Besides, it's an ongoing. Deadpool on covers moves books. Deadpool is not an ex-boyfriend, he's a force of nature. I think him inserting himself into their situation at the first chance he got makes sense. He doesn't respect boundaries or personal space. I think this is going to be his attitude; "So where was my invite and how open is this marriage? Are you married or are you married-married?"
Hes harmless. I could understand if we were talking about Magneto or even Johnny, people she acknowledges some sort of relationship with, but it's Deadpool. I think some may be making more out of it than what was there, at least as far as Rogue is concerned. There's no threat there. I personally can't wait to see how Gambit handles it especially taking into account all that happened in Deadpool V Gambit. Should be fun, I think we're taking this too seriously.
And no, you can't compare Gambit's waterfall at night makeout session with wet, naked Storm in private to Rogue kissing Bishop in broad daylight in front of a half dozen of their closest friends just to shock him (because you know, he didn't die). At the time Rogue was kind of on a hippy-kick. But it was innocent. I'm a guy and a Gambit fan, that wasnt the same thing to say it was in my opinion is naive.