Been a while everybody. I've been going nuts since I got the news, then see the weirdest arguments in this group. I come here for all of my Gambit news, but some of yall need to trade in your Gambit can cards. I've hated Rogue for years ever since she broke Remeys heart after that Age of X b, but guess what??? Gambit LOVES Rogue. He's been trying to get her back for how long? Gambit finally gets what HE wants, so i'm in support of that. It should've happened a long time ago, but it finally happened.
Blah blah blah, point of view, shmoint of view. We get to hear Rogue tell her friends how amazing Remey is and how happy she is to be with HIM instead of being wishy washy. I don't care who gets more pages as long as my boy doesn't get embarrassed and Colossus is the one that got the short end of the stick this time. There's plenty of things I personally want for Gambit in comics, but again, HE just got what he's wanted forever, so i'm all in.
Next up is babies. Wouldn't mind one coming from the future, so we don't have to wait forever for that.