Author Topic: Mr&Mrs X finally revealed. Spoilers from X-Men Gold #30  (Read 165695 times)

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Re: Mr&Mrs X finally revealed. Spoilers from X-Men Gold #30
« Reply #135 on: June 22, 2018, 06:16:43 PM »
Re: Deadpool - even if he comes to check out what's going on with Rogue and she tries shutting him down, Deadpool is the type to offer to do it with Gambit too, considering they've both been on opposite sides and worked together before.

It would totally be a Deadpool thing.

Offline albahan888

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Re: Mr&Mrs X finally revealed. Spoilers from X-Men Gold #30
« Reply #136 on: June 23, 2018, 06:25:38 PM »
I don't know if this should go here or in the other thread about Rogue and Gambit but given recent events and against my don't give Marvel my money stance I decided to pick up this issue and the Rogue and Gambit series so I could have some thoughts about things with at least a little bit of context. If you feel this should go in the other thread feel free to move it.

My general thoughts are as a Romy fan I liked how Gambit and Rogue felt in this series. They reminded me of the good times that used to happen and I liked that but overall I don't think it really addressed much of anything with them to get them back together let alone be married within a couple of months afterwards. In fact I don't think it barely addressed anything and only sort of addressed how terrible Rogue has been about things since Mike Carey wrote her and put her into that one incredibly dumb 'relationship'.

Having read it now I still really hate the handwaving away of the past several years of BS as exploring or whatever because that doesn't work. It doesn't make any sense with the old terrorist in there and even without him I still don't buy her speech about it not being as simple as not choosing Gambit because after three other 'relationships' since Gambit helped Professor X find her and get control of her powers she just hasn't really been written like she cares about Gambit anymore from what I've heard. Like I said I also don't like that addressing anything about them was picture word balloons (and seriously why is that Storm kiss there but not Bishop on her side?) and Antarctica (which was caused by that person Rogue was 'exploring' with and I'm pretty sure at least she knows that). If Kelly knew the series was leading to the marriage she should have addressed the more recent things that haven't been and not the old things that have/should have been water under the bridge since X-Treme X-Men. It sort of feels like she pulled a Mike Carey and couldn't or didn't want to address Deathbit or that old terrorist relationship and so she just ignored one and handwaved the other away.

To be more positive now as I've said I liked how they felt for the first time in forever. It felt like old Gambit and Rogue working together and bickering but not being jerks about it after that first issue at least. Rogue was still sort of a big jerk in issue one but I liked Gambit in it. I really appreciated the baggage speech because that's how I've felt about Romy and how it has sorta been since Milligan. Gambit is the only one who has really been trying to keep Romy a potential thing since he came back from being Death. I liked the portrayal of Rogue as not having actually realized that and I liked that throughout the book she realized how big of a jerk she's been to Gambit for a long time.

I loved issue 4 because I feel like that was the one that tried to address things a little bit more. I really loved the inner Gambit monologue from the weird no trust scene from his last solo because I think it sums up one of the main things I hate that writers do to Gambit. He has been and is a hero who has proven his worth and mettle over and over again with the X-Men but he gets treated like a joke or someone who isn't worthy of being trusted and at this point that is ridiculous particularly from Rogue. I'm glad someone wrote her as finally getting to see it that way and it's the one thing in the book that I think makes anything that comes after it make any sense. I think that scene really sums up my feelings on Romy quite well in general... I really like it and believe in it but since Carey... there hasn't been really anything to believe in about it.

I also liked Rogue's speech at the end of issue five even if I don't really buy it from her after the past several years. I saw a picture somewhere after the issue came out of Gambit's harbor speech put on top of that one and it fit really well and that was nice to see. I do think Kelly Thompson really likes and gets Romy at least whether you appreciate her take on Gambit or not and I do appreciate it but I also feel like (around here at least) I've got a weird view of Gambit that's maybe an amalgam of X-Men TAS and the comics and maybe a selective memory.

Now onto the Gambit and Rogue parts of X-Men Gold 30... I don't think I get it. I might've before Milligan but since then they've barely been together and barely just started acting normal around each other again. I hope it'll lead somewhere good and let Romy develop better and past the usual garbage but I'm not gonna hold my breath or trust Marvel on that front even if the current X-Editor likes Gambit and Rogue together (I think). I like Rogue's vows but again I don't think I buy them coming from recent Rogue. I mean I guess the last line is true given the current circumstances but you know... I still don't like the non addressing of recent issues between them and the fact that Deadpool is almost immediately showing up in Mr. And Mrs. X is a little weird to me.

So all in all I hope Gambit and Rogue will be fine but I don't trust Marvel and I don't like that it was an editorial mandate. However, I feel like the Romy haters should be a bit happier about this because unless this is the exception that proves the rule (fingers crossed... maybe) Marvel doesn't really like marriages or stable long-term relationships unless CB Cebulski can really change things that much as new EIC so this could be the end of that but I hate being so cynical about things. I think I will trust Kelly Thompson to write them well together because I don't think she really has a favorite and even if she does she does seem to just like Romy as a good relationship and not a joke or cheap cash grab and maybe they can have some good stories before they inevitably split again for whatever dumb reason it is next time. Thanks for reading this long post if you have.

Edit to add: wanted to mention that I liked Gambit's response to Storm's calling Kitty and Peter not getting married fortunate.

Edit 2: Also want to say that even if I don't think they've really earned it necessarily I do appreciate them taking a don't be so uptight about things approach and just trying with Romy both from the writers and characters standpoints.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2018, 08:21:56 PM by albahan888 »

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Re: Mr&Mrs X finally revealed. Spoilers from X-Men Gold #30
« Reply #137 on: June 23, 2018, 09:20:39 PM »
That's a lot of text. But I agree. It's sudden. Even KT was against the idea, but I think that is why it's good she's writing it. She has prospective and will probably start filling in gaps that would need to be to make this believable. In a lot of ways I think things are getting blown out of proportion. It really isn't that serious of a leap. People get married for dumber reasons than this and last for years if not until death. Perhaps via movie and other media we look at "what needs to happen before _____" without realizing, no everything isn't so cut and dry or by the numbers.

Also, you find the idea of Deadpool being disruptive, odd? He's Deadpool. This is what he does. I guarantee to you, they won't be the ones seeking him out. This is partially to address the elephant in the room and have fun because as the gauntlet of reactions go that they have to endure, this'll be the most harmless and fun. Besides, it's an ongoing. Deadpool on covers moves books. Deadpool is not an ex-boyfriend, he's a force of nature. I think him inserting himself into their situation at the first chance he got makes sense. He doesn't respect boundaries or personal space. I think this is going to be his attitude; "So where was my invite and how open is this marriage? Are you married or are you married-married?"

Hes harmless. I could understand if we were talking about Magneto or even Johnny, people she acknowledges some sort of relationship with, but it's Deadpool. I think some may be making more out of it than what was there, at least as far as Rogue is concerned. There's no threat there. I personally can't wait to see how Gambit handles it especially taking into account all that happened in Deadpool V Gambit. Should be fun, I think we're taking this too seriously.

And no, you can't compare Gambit's waterfall at night makeout session with wet, naked Storm in private to Rogue kissing Bishop in broad daylight in front of a half dozen of their closest friends just to shock him (because you know, he didn't die). At the time Rogue was kind of on a hippy-kick. But it was innocent. I'm a guy and a Gambit fan, that wasnt the same thing to say it was in my opinion is naive.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2018, 09:48:51 PM by DonPriceTag »
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

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Re: Mr&Mrs X finally revealed. Spoilers from X-Men Gold #30
« Reply #138 on: June 23, 2018, 10:14:21 PM »
That's a lot of text. But I agree. It's sudden. Even KT was against the idea, but I think that is why it's good she's writing it. She has prospective and will probably start filling in gaps that would need to be to make this believable. In a lot of ways I think things are getting blown out of proportion. It really isn't that serious of a leap. People get married for dumber reasons than this and last for years if not until death. Perhaps via movie and other media we look at "what needs to happen before _____" without realizing, no everything isn't so cut and dry or by the numbers.

Also, you find the idea of Deadpool being disruptive, odd? He's Deadpool. This is what he does. I guarantee to you, they won't be the ones seeking him out. This is partially to address the elephant in the room and have fun because as the gauntlet of reactions go that they have to endure, this'll be the most harmless and fun. Besides, it's an ongoing. Deadpool on covers moves books. Deadpool is not an ex-boyfriend, he's a force of nature. I think him inserting himself into their situation at the first chance he got makes sense. He doesn't respect boundaries or personal space. I think this is going to be his attitude; "So where was my invite and how open is this marriage? Are you married or are you married-married?"

Hes harmless. I could understand if we were talking about Magneto or even Johnny, people she acknowledges some sort of relationship with, but it's Deadpool. I think some may be making more out of it than what was there, at least as far as Rogue is concerned. There's no threat there. I personally can't wait to see how Gambit handles it especially taking into account all that happened in Deadpool V Gambit. Should be fun, I think we're taking this too seriously.

And no, you can't compare Gambit's waterfall at night makeout session with wet, naked Storm in private to Rogue kissing Bishop in broad daylight in front of a half dozen of their closest friends just to shock him (because you know, he didn't die). At the time Rogue was kind of on a hippy-kick. But it was innocent. I'm a guy and a Gambit fan, that wasnt the same thing to say it was in my opinion is naive.

The Gambit/Storm and Rogue/Bishop kisses equate because they were around/at the same time and equally going nowhere. That was the point of the scene with Storm in fact if I'm remembering it correctly. Don't get me wrong it's a weird way to make a point but that's how it goes sometimes in comics. However I know this was a big 'fight' before so that's all I'll say on the matter.

The only thing that I don't like about Deadpool showing up is he is sort of an ex and he is Deadpool so he's weird to deal with and one of the weird recent Rogue things popping up in issue 2 is a little quick. Mostly it comes down to despite my relative trust in Kelly Thompson I have none of that trust for Marvel so I will always distrust when that sort of element pops up given the take on the characters before this year. Hopefully Deadpool is just a device to deal with some of the more recent weirdness that wasn't touched on but he'll probably just be there to be Deadpool and make trouble which is fine if it's harmless.

I think the quickness of things wouldn't be a problem years ago but as I said it seems like Gambit is the only one to be written (sort of) like he still cares and wants there to be more there with Rogue before the Rogue and Gambit series happened. I like Romy and I hope they'll get a chance to just be together for a while without another bunch of garbage piled on top of them but it just doesn't feel as good as it would have for me if this was before X-Men Legacy and if all of the stuff that's happened since then just hadn't happened instead. Rogue and Gambit and even X-Men Gold 30 rings true to me about a decade ago but hopefully Kelly Thompson can do a good job and if she does I might break my not giving Marvel my money stance again for the trade.

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Re: Mr&Mrs X finally revealed. Spoilers from X-Men Gold #30
« Reply #139 on: June 23, 2018, 11:15:38 PM »

The Gambit/Storm and Rogue/Bishop kisses equate because they were around/at the same time and equally going nowhere. That was the point of the scene with Storm in fact if I'm remembering it correctly. Don't get me wrong it's a weird way to make a point but that's how it goes sometimes in comics. However I know this was a big 'fight' before so that's all I'll say on the matter.

The difference in the Bishop/Storm is that Bishop's kiss was just that. And it was for fun. Gambit and Storm were alone, she was naked, they kissed, broke, weighed the consequences and then went right back in before being interupted. I think difference here was intent. I wholeheartedly believe more may have happened if they didn't get fooled with. Heck, it looked so casual, I think it happened once or twice on the down low once or twice in the past. From there usual demeanor and Storms hot/cold duality, I think theyve been casual partners in the past, which kind of adds a level of betrayal to it. I love depth.

As for Rogue in the Deadpool "threat". She just got the golden ring, literally. This is something she never thought she'd have. I hope this board can get past their silly hatred of a fictional character that's been mostly controlled by writers that dislike Gambit. No she hasn't been the best to him, but ok, it's done. Let's look at her character and analyze this Wade situation. Who here past trolling actually believes that Deadpool stands a snowballs chance in hell when not just put up against Gambit, her fairy tale idea of marriage, but her husband? You think she ever saw anything outside of the moment with Wade? Deadpool wasnt the love of her life, or a what if after high school. He's the guy she made out with half drunk at a kegger. You don't take that seriously. Not the woman anyway. You look back and laugh and keep it moving. If you bump into him you try to be as polite as possible and your husband (Gambit) doesnt blow him to pieces. This issue is going to be fun, not dramatic. Completely harmless. It's Deadpool. Deadpool.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2018, 11:21:58 PM by DonPriceTag »
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

Offline albahan888

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Re: Mr&Mrs X finally revealed. Spoilers from X-Men Gold #30
« Reply #140 on: June 24, 2018, 06:55:06 AM »

The difference in the Bishop/Storm is that Bishop's kiss was just that. And it was for fun. Gambit and Storm were alone, she was naked, they kissed, broke, weighed the consequences and then went right back in before being interupted. I think difference here was intent. I wholeheartedly believe more may have happened if they didn't get fooled with. Heck, it looked so casual, I think it happened once or twice on the down low once or twice in the past. From there usual demeanor and Storms hot/cold duality, I think theyve been casual partners in the past, which kind of adds a level of betrayal to it. I love depth.

As for Rogue in the Deadpool "threat". She just got the golden ring, literally. This is something she never thought she'd have. I hope this board can get past their silly hatred of a fictional character that's been mostly controlled by writers that dislike Gambit. No she hasn't been the best to him, but ok, it's done. Let's look at her character and analyze this Wade situation. Who here past trolling actually believes that Deadpool stands a snowballs chance in hell when not just put up against Gambit, her fairy tale idea of marriage, but her husband? You think she ever saw anything outside of the moment with Wade? Deadpool wasnt the love of her life, or a what if after high school. He's the guy she made out with half drunk at a kegger. You don't take that seriously. Not the woman anyway. You look back and laugh and keep it moving. If you bump into him you try to be as polite as possible and your husband (Gambit) doesnt blow him to pieces. This issue is going to be fun, not dramatic. Completely harmless. It's Deadpool. Deadpool.

I don't think Deadpool is a threat it's not Deadpool that matters it could be Johnny Storm too and it would still be an odd choice to insert either of them into Gambit and Rogue's just married series in issue two and making them a big part of the arc. It's not after an arc to establish things and then stick some weird thing from the past in the series it's after an issue. Granted Deadpool was barely anything but he still was something and I just won't understand including him outside of he's popular and cheap drama until the issues come out.

Also I am never, never, never ever going to trust current Marvel with established relationships or giving a crap about continuity. No matter what you or I or history and sense thinks is important to or about a character they don't seem to care about that anymore. I loved all of the things that Gambit and Rogue have been saying and thinking about each other in the 6 issues I read but after what has happened for the past decade it rings really hollow. It feels like 'hey forget that past decade we are so here you go' and that isn't enough for me personally to turn back on my suspension of disbelief and my excitement for the characters I used to just love. I hate that feeling and if I am wrong I will be so happy to have one relationship I care about in comics not get dumped on and just get to happily exist but I will never trust the company that changes things forever all the time won't do that to it given their history and that fact that the current X-editor (Jordan White?) and Kelly Thompson are probably two of the only people there who care about Romy especially and maybe even Gambit himself. That's all I'm saying... that's my only point... continuity stopped mattering as much to Marvel at some point so I will not trust that they care about it or about character consistency and using Romy for anything but cheap drama until I see it for longer than 6 issues. I really hope I see that with this but my guess is whenever Mr. and Mrs. X stops so will Romy again.

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Re: Mr&Mrs X finally revealed. Spoilers from X-Men Gold #30
« Reply #141 on: June 24, 2018, 10:04:22 AM »

I don't think Deadpool is a threat it's not Deadpool that matters it could be Johnny Storm too and it would still be an odd choice to insert either of them into Gambit and Rogue's just married series in issue two and making them a big part of the arc. It's not after an arc to establish things and then stick some weird thing from the past in the series it's after an issue. Granted Deadpool was barely anything but he still was something and I just won't understand including him outside of he's popular and cheap drama until the issues come out.

Also I am never, never, never ever going to trust current Marvel with established relationships or giving a crap about continuity. No matter what you or I or history and sense thinks is important to or about a character they don't seem to care about that anymore. I loved all of the things that Gambit and Rogue have been saying and thinking about each other in the 6 issues I read but after what has happened for the past decade it rings really hollow. It feels like 'hey forget that past decade we are so here you go' and that isn't enough for me personally to turn back on my suspension of disbelief and my excitement for the characters I used to just love. I hate that feeling and if I am wrong I will be so happy to have one relationship I care about in comics not get dumped on and just get to happily exist but I will never trust the company that changes things forever all the time won't do that to it given their history and that fact that the current X-editor (Jordan White?) and Kelly Thompson are probably two of the only people there who care about Romy especially and maybe even Gambit himself. That's all I'm saying... that's my only point... continuity stopped mattering as much to Marvel at some point so I will not trust that they care about it or about character consistency and using Romy for anything but cheap drama until I see it for longer than 6 issues. I really hope I see that with this but my guess is whenever Mr. and Mrs. X stops so will Romy again.

Oh, your right. Its probably best not to trust Marvel, the company, with anything like this, but KTs track record thus far is pretty good IMO. And again, I wouldn't expect "drama". That means your taking Deadpool seriously. If it was Johnny huffing and puffing or Magneto scowling, then I'd be a little annoyed, but not with Wade. Never Wade. I think this is a kind of a parody of what they might eventually have to go through when confronted by a real ex. Instead of grandstanding, chest bumping and serious faces and thoughtful smirks, we got Deadpool who's probably going to be self-deprecating.

Funny thing... a few months ago Zubb (UA writer after Duggan that was pushing Torch and Rogue together) and Duggan (Deadpool writer and the one that started that whole thing) were exchanging jabs with KT on twitter. Someone else got involved too. It seemed playful enough, but now it looks as if they knew what we didn't. Editorial probably squashed both Duggan and Zubb's pushes for her to be with their characters and in turn were salty over it. About the same time R&G was finishing up (or halfway through), which I assume is about the same time they came up with the Gold#30 switch.
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

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Re: Mr&Mrs X finally revealed. Spoilers from X-Men Gold #30
« Reply #142 on: June 24, 2018, 12:02:03 PM »
I like KT as writer and kinda trust her.

But at the same time she is the only writer that is using Rogue/Deadpool after Duggan.

He mentioned that Rogue dated Deadpool in Hawkeye solo when X-23 was talking with Kate.
She mentioned it in R&G#1.
And now Deadpool will appear in MMX.

I excited about Deadpool appearence but I think that KT gives Deadpool and Rogue to much importance.
It was just a kiss. Nothing more.

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Re: Mr&Mrs X finally revealed. Spoilers from X-Men Gold #30
« Reply #143 on: June 24, 2018, 12:09:16 PM »
I'm not the "ignore it if you don't like it". KT seems to be really about using continuity. Fact of the matter, it happened, why not use it? Rogur has history with Wade and with the dvg mini, so do Gambit and he. It's probably going to be funny.
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

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Re: Mr&Mrs X finally revealed. Spoilers from X-Men Gold #30
« Reply #144 on: June 24, 2018, 02:00:28 PM »
I'm not the "ignore it if you don't like it". KT seems to be really about using continuity. Fact of the matter, it happened, why not use it? Rogur has history with Wade and with the dvg mini, so do Gambit and he. It's probably going to be funny.

I think it is just bothers me that KT loves Rogue/Gambit and likes also Rogue/Deadpool and even Rogue/Magneto but Gambit she likes only with Rogue.

So if she will write about Rogue past romances with Wade or Magneto, which is hardly can be called a romance becuase first was just a kiss and second just a sex, she will write them in a good and respectfull way.
And I don't think that rogneto even deserved explanation that KT created in R&G. It was a bad written plot. And I hope KT won't be adding any layers for that to make it not as ugly.
Or to write Mags as happy grandpa that cares.

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Re: Mr&Mrs X finally revealed. Spoilers from X-Men Gold #30
« Reply #145 on: June 24, 2018, 02:50:36 PM »
From what we were given in Legacy I guess you can assume it was just a physical relationship for Rogue, especially with what she told Gambit in R&G (she basically called him an experiment). But I think it was more than that for Magneto and similarly with Wade. Rogue may have been just playing the field, but I believe it meant something more to both. And the way Zubb wrote Torch, him too. They didnt know they were just booty calls or whims. Or uh... Ports.

As for why she told Gambit, well I think he deserved some kind of explanation. Maybe he didn't want it but she needed to air it out. By "she", you could easily mean KT and instead of it being Gambit, she was addressing the fanbase. It may not have been the degree that some wanted it but it was her way of trying to make sense of it. It was a bad look.
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

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Re: Mr&Mrs X finally revealed. Spoilers from X-Men Gold #30
« Reply #146 on: June 24, 2018, 03:05:00 PM »
From what we were given in Legacy I guess you can assume it was just a physical relationship for Rogue, especially with what she told Gambit in R&G (she basically called him an experiment). But I think it was more than that for Magneto and similarly with Wade. Rogue may have been just playing the field, but I believe it meant something more to both. And the way Zubb wrote Torch, him too. They didnt know they were just booty calls or whims. Or uh... Ports.

As for why she told Gambit, well I think he deserved some kind of explanation. Maybe he didn't want it but she needed to air it out. By "she", you could easily mean KT and instead of it being Gambit, she was addressing the fanbase. It may not have been the degree that some wanted it but it was her way of trying to make sense of it. It was a bad look.

KT fid her best to resolve Rogneto. I respect this.

I understand that she has only a few panels to explain this. But all brainwashed stuff from AOX was ignored.

Carey just used AOX brainwashing so Rogue can have sex with Magneto.

I don't Mags to appear in MMX so KT who is a good writer will try to explain bad writing of Carey in some good way.

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Re: Mr&Mrs X finally revealed. Spoilers from X-Men Gold #30
« Reply #147 on: June 24, 2018, 03:35:03 PM »

I think it is just bothers me that KT loves Rogue/Gambit and likes also Rogue/Deadpool and even Rogue/Magneto but Gambit she likes only with Rogue.

Yeah, it bothers me as well. It`s because Rogue is KT`s favorite. I actually feel the same about Gambit. I would love to see him develop other relationships but it kinda makes me angry when Rogue gets involved with someone else because it is as if she is betraying Remy after all their history together (even though they were broken up). And I haven`t cared about her character for a long time probably since Carey completely ruined her for me.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2018, 03:50:53 PM by DonPriceTag »

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Re: Mr&Mrs X finally revealed. Spoilers from X-Men Gold #30
« Reply #148 on: June 24, 2018, 03:56:12 PM »

KT fid her best to resolve Rogneto. I respect this.

I understand that she has only a few panels to explain this. But all brainwashed stuff from AOX was ignored.

Carey just used AOX brainwashing so Rogue can have sex with Magneto.

I don't Mags to appear in MMX so KT who is a good writer will try to explain bad writing of Carey in some good way.

The AoX brainwashing was explained within the same issue. It's not like she went to bed with him and woke up the next day and was like "what am I doing". She consciously chose to keep the Legacy persona and everything that came with it, and it that included her "feelings" for Magneto of AoX. It definitely is the reason she chose to sleep Magneto (because that's exactly what Carey said happened), but it was still her choice to explore those new feelings, which I don't think where there with 616 Rogue's original personality. Up until that point she had thwarted all of Magneto's advances, then after a few hours alone, the full-Monty? It was bad, ruched, desperate writing on Carey's part and it sullies the his whole in my eyes, which for the most part was pretty darn good.
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

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Re: Mr&Mrs X finally revealed. Spoilers from X-Men Gold #30
« Reply #149 on: June 24, 2018, 04:55:49 PM »

Q: I have a really big question about Rogue and Deadpool relation. I remember in Gambit v Deadpool mini series they become a good friend. Further more Wade said that he's not interested in any of Remy's girls. And I always thought it's some kind of men's solidarity. But after all that mess in uncanny avengers I was really confused and I thought maybe the author simply didn't read recent books. So hope you can make it all clear and save Gambit and Deadpool friendship))

A: I’ve read that mini-series and I don’t know that I would call them “good friends.”

I would say they are - on a good day - friends. And I don’t think these are their best days in that Remy IS a little salty about Deadpool making out with Rogue. But Remy also knows that Rogue is her own person and is allowed what to do what she wants (certainly they were not together at the time) which makes it none of his business. He knows that…but emotion doesn’t always follow logic, and so, yeah, Gambit IS a bit grouchy about the Rogue/Deadpool thing (and feeling a little betrayed that Deadpool would do that). But I also think Remy is a bigger (and better man) than that and it’s not something he has to (or will) hold onto long term. He’s also, despite some jokes we made in issue 1 of R&G, a supremely confident dude (with good reason), he knows he has nothing to fear from #Dogue. ;D

I am glad that KT read DvG mini. Friends shouldn`t ever have anything romantic with their bud`s girlfriends or ex-girlfriends. So if Gambit and Deapool will be kinda friends or old friends in XXM then Wade deserves a punch from Gambit for sure.