I'm in maybe the unusual position of loving Gambit and Rogue equally as characters. They are both my precious children.
I agree that Rogue has been presented as more of a prize, which is why I genuinely would enjoy the reversal of Deadpool going after Gambit. I actually wish Gambit saw Rogue as less of a prize, and more as the equally messed-up, imperfect person that she is. It would be healthier for both of them.
As to the older events, I guess I don't see Rogue as being at fault in deciding to sleep with other people. Gambit made his terms clear, and she wasn't at a point where she was willing or even perhaps able to accept them, out of fear or flightiness or something else. That's her perogative. It doesn't matter how much someone loves you; you aren't obligated to return their feelings. Knowing that, he did not need to wait for her. That's ultimately his decision. Or, rather, the writers' decision.
Besides, it's not like he didn't sleep with other people during their time apart. Probably way, way more than Rogue did, based on what she said about getting those phone calls. And, again, he's not at fault for doing that.
With that said, don't get me wrong. Marvel has treated Gambit horribly, and have used Rogue to do that. It's part of the reason why I stopped reading the books for five years. I just am optimistic that Marvel is turning it around now. Gambit is in three books, including an ongoing that focuses 50% on him and almost certainly will try to fix a lot of the crap that has happened to him. That's pretty exciting to me. :)
Basically, I guess that I blamed the writers and not Rogue, and expressed my feelings with my wallet.