I usually see films twice. I go by myself because the hubby seldom will go on opening weekend. We'll see some films a few weeks later.
Other times, I go with my friend who takes her boys to see films. I tag along. I can gauge how good it was by their reaction.
While I thought A:EG was good in general. There were some things that I didn't care about.
I will say, talking about the movie with my friend and sons was fun. We figured things out together and I enjoy stuff like that.
Unfortunately, I came home with another darn horror story from the theater. And I know my hubby would have been furious. We got there during previews, so I didn't see that there was a birthday party seated behind us (7-8 yr olds by the looks). They talked during the action sequence near the end, it was like they couldn't help themselves. I literally tried shushing them and they were oblivious. Do parents not teach movie etiquette? I wasn't the only one annoyed, my movie companions were annoyed too.
Its okay if we get off topic occasionally, we don't do it all that much. LOL It's all good.
Re: Dark Phoenix
Magneto's man pain - I laugh everytime I read that.