I kept checking for you on your forum. Knew you were taking a break. Feeling a break myself.
Is your forum still rolling? I haven't visited in awhile.
I feel for you, now Nicieza says that Iceman was always supposed to be gay.
https://community. cbr. com/showthread. php?119754-Fabian-Nicieza-confirms-Iceman-was-meant-to-be-gay-as-far-back-as-the-90%92s
If you are interested what is being said at the other place.
Yeah, I saw you were planning to shut GG down and changed your mind. I feel ya. Me and CC008 still post there regularly, the Profezzor occasionally. After things got ugly, I finally banned Tiamatty. :)
I've been keeping up with that thread at CBR. So much wrong information in that thread it is ridiculous. That's not actually what Fabian said. He said some fans wanted Iceman to be revealed as gay or "made" gay back in the 90's. They discussed the possibility but didn't do it. The 'time wasn't right to tell that story'. Yeah they are now telling that story, but with a different Iceman. People should pay more attention to what creators actually say.
Scott Lobdell, contrary to what is said in that thread at CBR, has said flat-out that he saw Iceman as straight and wrote him as such. Lobdel is an Iceman fan, himself. He even replied to a tweet where someone asked him to out one of the Titans at DC as gay, saying that it "would be like me making Bunker(who is gay and Hispanic) straight and white. I'm not Bendis. "
You had fans pressure Mike Carey to make him gay and closeted during his run. Mike's response: 'It conflicts with plans I have for the character. The thing about Iceman is he is so clear he is transparent, so while I wouldn't rule him out as being somewhat bisexual, because I think everyone is potentially somewhat bisexual, gay and closeted, no. "
That was repeated around the internet as "Mike Carey said Iceman is gay. " The opposite of what he actually said.
After the outing, when asked if he wrote Iceman as gay, Carey said he wrote him as "potentially somewhat bisexual". That was repeated around the internet that Carey said he wrote him as bisexual. Given his earlier statement that he sees
everyone as "potentially somewhat bisexual", it doesn't mean what people claim it means.
After the outing, Marjorie Liu kept getting asked on Twitter if she wrote Iceman as gay and closeted. Marjorie had already said she saw him as straight and wrote him as straight. Instead of replying, she posted that "someone had just asked her if she had written Iceman as closeted to his true nature, and she had replied, yes, deeply closeted". People said she said she wrote him as gay and closeted, She then again stated she saw him as straight and wrote him as straight, which led to people sayijng she was contradicting herself. But she didn't, she said 'true nature', and the 'Frozen' arc in Astonishing was all about Iceman fighting his true nature as the Dragon and what his powers really are.
After outing Young Iceman, Bendis said fans had convinced him that Iceman was gay.
In the six month gap between that and Uncanny #600 which outed the the adult version, the X-editors said in a column at CBR that "Young Iceman was created as gay, as for the adult version. . . stay tuned".
After Uncanny X-Men #600, Alonzo said fans on Bendis's Tumblr convinced Brian that Young Iceman is gay(the character Bendis
created as gay). That Brian showed him the scans they posted(from the comics Bendis himself had written) and he concluded that Young Iceman was indeed gay. They discussed what that would mean for the 'adult version' since they are the same person. So they decided that "his story would be that he was a closeted homosexual living his life in shame and denial"
Fans are missing the obvious.
As for your theory. As good as any. I have no idea. I'm incredibly disappointed in the Xmen line of books.
Is IceMaster new? or just a different version of Iceman?
I'm very disappointed in the X-Books, too.
Ice Master is the 'wizard' Iceman from the Battle of the Atom future, the one in my avatar. Since that was a possible future of the 616 timeline, he should notice some of the things that are currently wrong after traveling back through time.