I saw this movie and I liked it. The vitriol coming at this movie is really bizarre and unwarranted. I'm not saying it's great or anything and it clearly has it's problems but I thought it was pretty good and entertaining. It's certainly undeserving of all the smack talk against it.Things like, "worst superhero movie ever" and "worst Marvel movie ever" are ridiculous claims. It's two biggest issues are 1. The second half of the film feels like it was chopped up by the studio. It needs more connective tissue to the events and Michael Morbius's personal journey needs a bit more focus. 2. This movie is screaming out for an R rating. PG-13 horror Vampire movie is just a bad choice.
Why is this the film everyone has decided to mercilessly destroy? (There are audiences who are liking the film) Because no way is this movie worse than plenty of others. I'd rather watch this movie than a ton of other trash that Sony, WB, FOX, and more recently Disney Marvel have put out over the years. I mean, months before this movie came out everyone was getting primed to hate this movie. To the point of anything short of a terrific film, it was going to get maligned.
Why did this happen? Is it, all the delays and people just lost all confidence in the movie? Is it that everyone still hates Jared Leto for his Joker interpretation? Is it because he's not the character everyone wanted in the Spidey-verse? Is it because there is still a backlash over pg-13 vampires from the Twilight movies? Maybe a mixture of reasons. All I know is that this movie proves, when the ball of negativity gets rolling, it can be hard to stop.
This brings me to the Gambit movie that never got made. Perhaps we are lucky that the film never got made as it was. That movie had a similar ball of negativity gaining momentum. From director's dropping out, to people questioning Channing Tatum, to the original inflated budget to the X-Men fans who get jealous because a movie wasn't made about their favorite character and loudly have to put down Gambit... People were already scoffing at it and were basically already chalking it up as a failure and nothing had even been filmed yet. By the time it came out, anything short of spectacular and people would have been ready to crush it. That would have been nightmarish for the character and possibly the studio wouldn't touch him again for many years. After watching this whole Morbius debacle play out, Maybe it's a good thing we didn't get that Gambit movie. At least theres still intrigue and excitement for him.