Author Topic: Sci-fi and Fantasy books  (Read 46857 times)

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Sci-fi and Fantasy books
« on: October 18, 2022, 04:40:49 PM »

Hi everybody,

                      Don't know how many of you remember me  (Hi Neko  :gambit: ) but I used to post here years ago.  I was here from back in the 'Neko/Karen//Faith' days... lol :)

                      Anyway, I posted somewhat recently, earlier this year as well yet it occured to me ,only of late (relatively speaking) that I hadn't  shared something. Well, I don't know if anybody is actually interested or not but.  did this little project on Amazon.

This is the official site:-

                    Two stories-- one sci-fi, the other, fantasy. Both in script form/format so they should read like  TV series,  taking the same amount of time to do so.

                    The sci-fi one is generally about --

**Join the "C.O.R.E" group as it sends out its latest crew to scout out a new livable planet for humanity before its base planet becomes completely  uninhabitable. However, it soon finds that something else  is afoot.

After finding themselves in a new sector of space, they meet the Alpha Terra and Arawk groups among many others when they all soon find they have to unite to defeat their common enemy, the Shadows.

As they fight with their all, C.O.R.E's home planet becomes uninhabitable.

Will they finally solve the mystery, defeat the enemy and find a new home in time?**

                  The fantasy is generally about:-

**A Great War is coming ... Many different peoples have to strive and come together to fight agaist the wicked. Join the kingdom of Ambrosios and their Queen as they lead this valiant fight to defeat the forces of the great evil.**

                Those synopses are very summarized but anyway, the series is complete now with the last two covers being revealed:-

                  The site has many more resources [size=78%], including much of the art for the series (and spoilers, fair warning). Oh! PurpleVit did the beautiful art for seasons 2-5 of both books and Nadav (some may remember him also) did the cover layout etc. It's been a 4-5 year project.[/size]

                  Anyway, take a look and share if you're inclined.  :)

                   Thank you and take care, fellow Gambit stans  :smitten:


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Re: Sci-fi and Fantasy books
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2022, 12:48:37 PM »
Hey Greens!

I read sci-fi, fantasy stuff. My favorite genre. I also read paranormal romance, I think we chatted about that long ago. It's the only way to read about vampires and other beings without them being evil.

Lately, all of my authors haven't released much due to covid. Blood Curse by Tessa Dawn. She has one more book to release and I already know its the end of the series. I'm okay with that but sad at the same time.

All my others that I used to follow have disappointed me.

BTW - Majorie Liu writes romance novels. I know it was a love/dislike thing with her and her take on Gambit but she did something most don't do and have her heroine with a disability and it was a good book.

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Re: Sci-fi and Fantasy books
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2022, 07:54:56 PM »
Hey Neko girl :)  Yup, that's right , we did talk about it, lo1! I remember! :)

Sci-fi and fantasy are my fav genres as well. Maybe supernatural too but it depends on the kind.  Really? Marjorie is writing romance theses days? Wow, alright. I don't mind romance but within a story, not so much the 'rom-com' stuff.  I don't mind it by itself if it's an epic type romance but the regular run of the mill ones, I prefer embedded within a larger storyline.

Though if I latch onto a couple, I may start shipping them regardless of the storyline which ends up biting me in the butt more often than not! LOL! Oh well...  ;)


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Re: Sci-fi and Fantasy books
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2022, 09:48:23 AM »
Usually with a romance (paranormal or whatnot) type writer, you get the couple they've chosen. LOL

I can't handle horror too well. I've tried and oof - now that's a genre I can't get into.

I tried some YA's, too much angst. Probably adds to my dislike of angst.

I don't like 'rom-com' either, and not only is the 'comedy of errors' type story telling ridiculous in general, you could roll your eyes so much they could get stuck. LOL

I've always had a fondness for mysteries or true crime stuff. Mysteries more because its fake. True crime always has victims and some of it is more gruesome than horror.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2022, 09:55:29 AM by Nekobaghira »

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Re: Sci-fi and Fantasy books
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2022, 10:41:27 PM »

LOL, yeah, I understand what you mean.  I don't like the 'rom-com' stuff, too contrived.  If I have to see an out and out romance, it's got to be like a 90 minute 'John Hughes' type of thing but I'd have to be back in my teens or in that kind of mood to do so. I think that works more when you're now growing up in life which is probably why it still works for teens nowadays a la the Tom Holland Spider-man movies.

As an adult, the romance has to be an epic, sweeping tale for me to think about seeing it. I still haven't seen, 'Titanic' or any 'Romeo & Juliet type of story' either. Like said earlier, I'll have to be in the mood .

But a nice, deep kind of love story that's part of a bigger tale, like Arwen/Aragorn from  'Lord of the Rings'? Sure, I'm okay with that :)

Although, truth be told, some foreign 'rom coms' aren't bad. I think Hollywood just doesn't have a handle on how to make good ones.

Just a one and done type of deal or maybe a trilogy. More than that and things can go on too long and it could all go horribly! Comics kind of lends itself to that, unfortunately. especially when you have different writers contributing. And yeah, you can get bitten in the butt with that. Happened to me. Got so hurt, mad, sad... I was becoming something that wasn't me and something I didn't like so I was like, 'nope, I'm out' so I left comics. PurpleVit tells me updates on Gambit as we talk though so I'm not totally out of the 'Gambit-sphere' so to speak.

But, outside of that, I have had some succes in 'shipping' (ROFL), like Mulder/Scully and Paris/Torres :) Nowadays, I'm into gaming and quite like a couple of well, couples, on there. lol :)

I can't do the YA stuff either. Too much 'high school drama-esque type stuff, including A little is okay but more than that is irritating.

Horror, I tend to caterogize, Like the slasher ones are more like thrillers to me.  I can see myself watching one of those on occasion. But, the 'devil worship/demonic/evil spirit' kind of stuff is a no, for me. I ain't opening that can of worms! LOL.

The monster stuff is interesting but it depends on how it's done. Like some folks like their vampires  romantic. I prefer the the 'Bela Lugosi' type. I want Dracula to be scary.  Like 'Nosferatu' in that old silent film. The image of his shadow climbing up the stairs with his finger fangs is legendary. So, yeah, monster ones like that aren't bad. Stuff like 'Jekyll & Hyde' or a scary Werewof or a serious take on 'Frankenstein' based on the book. They tend to make him goofy in renditions but Frankenstein was a killer monster in the book.

What you said about the 'true crime/psychological' stuff  is similiar to what Chris Carter ('X Files' creator) said.  He said that he's found that people, in general, aren't scared by the 'monster of the week' type stories but the ones that could happen to them in real life. Which is why I shy away from the real crime/psychological stuff. Way too disturbing and unsettling for me.

I LOVE mysteries too. A well written one is the BEST.

And we haven't even touched on the classics!  What about 'Jason and The Argonauts'? Oh boy, how I wish they would make a movie on that, with the Golden Fleece and all. With the VFX we have today, it could be so great!  Too many classics to even talk about!  From Greek mythology, to Shakespeare to Dickens to Tolkien to C.S.Lewis to Grimm's Fairy Tales ....

Gotta love books :)

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Re: Sci-fi and Fantasy books
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2022, 01:05:08 PM »
The running joke for me and 'Titanic' is I know the ending, no point in watching the film. I haven't seen it either and don't plan to see it. Not a Leonardo Dicaprio fan. (I know ... EVIL ...) LOL I don't like Brad Pitt or Adam Sandler either.

I liked Arwen/Aragon from LOTR, it was done well and carried out. She was the more romantic of the two but you could see Aragon loved her.

I never got interested in X-Files. The problem with some of the 'sexual tension' story telling when dragged out gets annoying and old fast for me.

I did like Paris and Torres. It worked for me. I always thought Janeway and Chakotay would happen and didn't.

Shadowhunters thing incoming. :)

I liked all the pairings in Shadowhunters TV (yikes the books are immature) The film was horrendous, if you missed one piece of dialogue in a worthless scene and you get so lost. I've wasted too much time trying to figure out why characters do things. (It was so bad the other 2 sequels planned were canned).
Its not that I haven't tried the shadowhunter books, 3 books and I was out. Funny part is, the author loans her characters out and other authors write her characters better than she does. She wrote one of the worst 'fade to black' sex scenes I've ever read.

The Shadowhunters showrunners and writers room folks really cleaned it up and streamlined it. But its pacing was incredibly fast. (Whiplash fast.) I don't think I've ever seen show with such a quick pace. That said, one of my favorites. Just enough sci-fi and fantasy combined. Some creepy stuff but gets resolved quickly (pacing praised). The entire cast is eye candy. I've never seen so much eye candy put together in one show, stunning. The extras too. Even one of the show runners noted that trait. (He wrote a book about working on the show.)
##End my Shadowhunters stuff. LOL

The only comic book I've bought lately is Claremont's mini with Gambit, while I have it, I've only gotten through book one. I keep telling myself to read the others I bought but, I'm burned on comic books in general. Everyone here says issue 4 is great. I haven't gotten to it. I know folks like KT's romy but it had flaws, too one sided for me. Others didn't mind it and lots liked it a lot. Is what it is. TH's Gambit, well, ask Purp, he'll give you the scoop. I won't read her writing.

I think in my youth, I got burned out with horror/thriller type movies. I've seen a lot of them but actively choose not watch slasher type. I can't buy some of stupidity, like running in high heels. The Geico commercial that makes fun of horror films, spot on. I can make you laugh at my antics in movie theaters watching horror films. Once, I jumped out my theater seat and yelled (yes, I yelled). "What about the dog!" (Amityville Horror 1979)

Suspense I don't mind to a point, like you - gotta be in the mood. Suspense like "Suspect" with Cher not "Silence of the Lambs".

Well written mysteries are great, love twist endings. Some can be awful too. I bought a book at an airport, can't remember where we were going, and I was mad at the ending, I didn't read last few pages because I didn't need to know how horrible it was going to be. I loan it to my friend who was aghast that I would do something like that and I said, read it. Get back to me and I'll tell you the ending even though I didn't read it. I was right too. Still, she was like how can you skip stuff when reading books. My logic, its easy - if I missed a detail, I go back find the paragraph I need and then move on to where I left off. Bad story telling when you can do that. LOL.

Have you seen the film "Knives Out", great twist ending and totally unexpected. Looking forward the next one, its titled Glass Onion.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2022, 11:44:51 PM by Nekobaghira »

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Re: Sci-fi and Fantasy books
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2022, 12:56:32 PM »

I'm not a Leo or Brad fan either.  I've only seen one Brad Pitt film and I saw that for David Duchovny. I saw the tail end of 'Revenant' (?) or some such while channel surfing one day. And subsequently saw a scene of 'Titantic' that  way too. Haven't seen an Adam Sandler film but saw clips of his SNL work. I'm not a fan of any of those guys so far but if they do something in the future I'm interested in, I'll give it a shot.

Stop the presses! You and I actually like the same pairings! Aragorn/Arwen and Parris/Torres! LOL! Cool. I'm glad about that :)

I agree about dragging stuff out for too long. Not only did they do that for the Mulder/Scully thing but for the series itself. It should have ended when it was on a high instead of how it did end :(

I hadn't heard about 'Shadowhunters' so  I googled it here. Hmmm... it's kind of about Nephilim hunting dead Nephilim spirits, right? It seems like it was on Netflix? I don't know if Vit said but a lot has happened since we spoke last and I moved back to the W.I.

So right now, I don't have Netflix, or DisneyPlus or ParamountPlus etc so I don't have access to their content. For the moment, I'm trying to follow shows through spoilers and clips on YouTube.

So, yeah, I know of 'Knives Out' (maybe like a modern day, 'Clue'?) and 'Glass Onion' but the latter will debut on Netflix, no? I probably won't be able to see it then.

Look at you, girl! You stood up in a theatre and said that? ROFL! You know, I think I saw that one, back in the 80's. That and 'The Omen' and 'Poltergeist'. That kind of stuff isn't for me. I don't think I watch horror much at all really and I remember that commercial! It's funny cause it's true! LMAO.

Boy Neko, if you didn't bother to read that ending to that book cause you knew it, it has to be that the writer didn't make it compelling enough for you to want to be satisfied with that ending. Like we all know that the good guys will defeat the bad guys in the end , so we know the payoff but you've got to make it so that people are invested in seeing them get their comeuppance.

You know, I was talking to my brother about something similiar and we came to the conclusion that because we're old now (lol), we've kind of seen it all.... the tropes, the surprises etc So, not much out there we haven't seen already. So, even though we know how things will end up, the satisfaction is in wanting to see the bad side go down and feeling pleased with a payoff that you knew was going to happen anyway.

With the comics,  I left after Carey ruined Rogue for me . I know a lot of people left then also but some stayed. Some of those were R&R fans and I sincerely hope they're happy with what they purchase every week. I don't want to rain on anybody's parade so I wish them happiness as fans.

For me, Vit  kept me up-to-date and through him, I did see some of the KT'sand TH's stuff. And oh my...I don't know if it's because I've been out of comics for almost a decade or so but TH's stuff.... It was like a nonsensical headache of a mess to read. I don't mean that about her personally, to be clear, but her writing is so.... confusing. I couldn't make heads or tails of it. And granted, that may just be me but I couldn't with that....

KT's stuff was, at least, coherent but I figure she had a mandate from the higher ups to 'fix' things to get R&R in a place where the surprise marriage didn't come out of nowhere. I didn't like her method of doing so, i.e. the 'marriage couselling stuff' and I don't agree with some other choices she made but... at least it's coherent, I guess.

Maybe you take the good with the bad so I'm guessing that splash 'honeymoon page' was received gratefully and warmly by longsuffering R&R fans.

Still though, I wasn't a fan of her handling of them but I've definitely read worse!  As far as Gambit goes, Vit told me about CC's mini and I read the first issue via Vit. A lot of Lil Ro (it is CC, after all) but the Remy parts were good. I don't know about the rest of it. I'll see what Vit says when we talk again.

About the 'Shadowhunters' show, you mentioned something that stuck out to me. Pacing. That's been on my mind a lot lately because of 'Rings of Power'. I've been trying to follow that as best I can through clips/reactions/spoilers on the net and that thing had pacing problems. The drag on that was epic not the story! LOL. I won't go on but have you seen it? And if so, what did you think?

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Re: Sci-fi and Fantasy books
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2022, 06:24:23 PM »
*chuckles* where to begin.
How funny we liked some pairings. We probably have more but don't recall which shows or books.
For X-Files, the alien pregnancy thing for Scully was really off-putting. Here is this character who doesn't believe because of science and this happens? Its as bad as when Star Trek had Troi get magically pregnant for some alien experiment on the human condition. Don't even get into Doctor Who and male pregnancy. WTF.

RE: Shadowhunters. The Nephilim kill demons that threaten the world and also protect other beings in that world. It's an odd concept. And you can find loads of clips on youtube. People were crazy about putting up vids for the show. Know there is a 'slant' as it were with the fans. They are hardcore.

I have Netflix - (rolls eyes, love hate relationship). Disney+ via a friend but I think I spend on it too but can't find my thing for it to cancel. I got Paramount+ through Amazon Prime (I've been a long time member, and it doesn't add much to my yearly sub). There was a time hubby wanted me to drop it but now that we both buy stuff there, he's happy I did sub.

I don't know where 'Glass Onion' is going to debut. I don't go to movie theaters anymore for a variety of reasons. Mostly cost of gas and drive time (45 mins is too much. That doesn't count the 20 mins of previews before the movie. Yes, I timed it.) Plus I love matinees and they don't exist anymore. Now, I pay per view or whatever to see a new film, sort of sucks but the price is sort of the same. All I gotta do is make my own popcorn. LOL

It wasn't the only time I was loud at a movie theater either. I've got loads of times I was embarrassing. Another time, I literally said out loud, (didn't stand up), "this is bulls***!". Hubby looks at me and I'm like, I couldn't help it. The film was 'The Net'. You can't be more dumb about computers than that film. Funny part is, I've accidentally taught hubby the same trait. He shouted "shoot him again" (villain) at a James Bond film in a theater. I looked at him and said, 'shush'. 

I've seen both the 'Omen' and 'Poltergeist' ... I think I made my parents crazy. I couldn't stop pacing because I wanted to watch and yet not. They said to me, "you okay." And I said,"oh yeah, just walking." LOL

RE: Power of the Rings. How could those showrunners/writers get it so wrong. The main female lead is so unlike-able. I mean there are podcasts and what not about how horrible she is, (can't blame the actress) - its the writing. The one guy who is like-able, how he survives his turmoil doesn't make sense. Then the whole Sauron thing, you can't roll your eyes enough. The show is terrible. The pacing was amazingly slow, you can only spend so much time on forging rings before its boring. Too much time in the sea as it were before you think, "c'mon, drown or get somewhere."

Onto another topic, if you get the chance or curiosity, watch clips of 'Umbrella Academy'. Season 1. Hilarious to me. Season 2, bleh. Funny parts in Season 3 but that is hit or miss. The show has one more season and its done and it makes sense, it has nowhere to go.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2022, 10:48:20 AM by Nekobaghira »

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Re: Sci-fi and Fantasy books
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2022, 06:15:44 PM »

Oh my goodness!!!! That Troi thing still haunts me to this day! :(

If you're talking about the early pregnancy for Scully, I think, Gillian Anderson got pregnant herself so they had to improvise with the storyline. so, they had her pregnant (apparently, alien abduction pregancy experiments are common in that 'field') so that she could reasonably 'disappear' for an episode and when she came back for the next one, she could lie down and sleep for most of the shift because Scully was mostly on a gurney for that episode ('Beyond The Sea'). So, I know they had to do what they had to do there but of you're talking about the switch later on with the prenancy where they retconned who the father was and hinted at Scully being an alien herself, then yeah, I'm with you on that one.

Wow, you have all the streaming services! Ohh..... see, a wife's influence on a husband! LOL! Look what you have him doing! ;)

Yeah, I stopped watching those types of horrors and even as a child, I didn't want to watch anymore. I didn't watch 'Salem's Lot' with the rest of my family. I was

Man... 'Rings of Power' *shakes head* I think Frodo got the ring, travelled all the way to Mount Doom and destroyed it before anything happened on that show! I was watching reaction clips that were 10 mins long on YT and even then, I was like, 'can something happen please?'

They should've saved money and do about 5 eps which would have forced the editing to quicken the pace.I don't blame the actress either but that Galadriel was one note and extremely unlikeable. Other characters too were one note. There are a few actors who gave their parts some nuance but these weren't seasoned actors and you could tell. The directors should have helped them.

And Sauron..... You know what? I will be nice.  All I'll say is, at least he showed up because if he didn't and they didn't set up an evil side, I would have totally given up on this. At least, now they have someplace to go with the storyline. One can only hope they actually put feet on the path and get going with it  for season 2. Because if they come back with the same excruciatingly slow pace, I'm out..

BTW, Neko, can you only post pics here from an image account? Or from a website too?  Wanted to showcase some of Vit's art.

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Re: Sci-fi and Fantasy books
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2022, 10:05:32 AM »
Getting to the pics things first. Yes, you can post. There are several ways. Attachments (for me easiest), copy/paste (I don't have good luck with that method). Also the site has limitations on image sizes, if you go over-it won't happen (especially with attachments, 1000x1000 or smaller is best but nothing over whatever the site says.) Trust me, the amount given is generous (far larger than I stated). Sometimes I use an image source that Icefanatic told me about. And it works great- Thing is I don't often visit and have to waste time to find my login stuff. Still - once I'm on the site and use it, it works great.

Is that what happened with X-Files. I was so confused and then sort of repulsed I couldn't go back. But it makes sense as you've explained. It's like Charmed and how they handled Piper's pregnancy (actress -Holly Marie Combs was pregnant), you could tell but camera angles and what not. I liked Piper and Leo.

RE: streaming
No, not all of them. I won't buy HBO Max (though I'm a sucker for films but won't do it), and Hulu I gave up because I wanted sports and at the time, it didn't provide it. There are some services I just can't care about like Cinemax - I can't get into 'Outlander', my neighbor loves it. Hardcore fan enough to have visited Scotland, make dolls and has an entire plaid set of dishes. Has sewn her outfit (she is an amazing seamstress). But what a great egg she is, helps with everything.

*chuckles* Hubby now does that 'talk to' all the time with movies and shows. I just look at him and laugh or say, "its a movie or its just TV". LOL. He knows I don't care because he learned from me and trust me, I say all sorts of stuff when watching things. I blame horror films, sort of.

Once, I watched a film with a friend (don't know the name, all I can say is - it was terrible.) When my tolerance level was met, I kept saying I gotta go. She's like 'no', wait til its light on the scene, you can't leave if its night. Trust me, the night scenes were awful, I finally made my exit on a 'light' scene. 'Brain Bleach' baby, Brain Bleach. NicoPony trademarked that term for me. (Not officially but you get the idea.)
Never watched "Salem's Lot". And it is nowhere on my to do list. LOL

RE: Rings of Power. They must have spent a ton of money on it, they are promoting the hell out of it and its so bad. OMG, yes, five eppys would have worked, I could have taken a 'whiplash pace' with this show.

Sauron - so much time spent on him until the last episode. I like they gave him a human look and I like the character chosen. Unexpected but I could live it. I think you find Gandalf in the end too, not as obvious but its my view until the show tells otherwise. But, they gotta fix some stuff.
Like you, pacing .... fix that.

Edit: I am enjoying this conversation greatly.  :)
« Last Edit: October 26, 2022, 10:19:24 AM by Nekobaghira »

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Re: Sci-fi and Fantasy books
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2022, 12:12:00 AM »

Okay, thanks. I'll see if I can post some art later. Hopefully, it's not too complicated for me..

Yeah, that's what happened with X Files. Gillian even thought that she would replaced when she told them she was pregnant cause it was so early on in the show that they could've gone with another actress. They stuck with her though.

I know of 'Charmed' and I remember it was popular but I didn't see it at the time. But, I know of Holly Marie Combs so I get what you're saying.

The streaming services are TOO MUCH at this point. You have to pay monthly for EACH ONE. It's just too expensive overall. I don't know how people can afford all unless they're well off, that is. But, I find it's too much. They should group some together for a package deal or something...LOL:)

I've heard of 'Outlander' and know a lot of people love it but, I haven't seen it. Let me tell you, getting a good seamstress is like finding gold! Especially for cosplay and LARP. Don't let her go! LOL:)

Awww.... your hubby probably does it as a nice nod to you. Kinda cute when you think about it. Aww...

Yeah, I don't have time to watch a show I don't have an interest in either or if I give it a chance and it's not living up to expectations, I just leave too- looking at you, 'Rings of Power'.... ;)

But, sometimes I don't even get a chance to check out something. When they moved 'Star Trek' to streaming, I couldn't check out 'STD' but apparently, it's very divisive among fans. Not sure what the consensus is on 'Lower Decks' or' Prodigy' amongst fans. Have you seen them? Any good? Should I scope out some YT clips? I'm a TNG, DS9 and VOY type of person so not sure if I should check out the newest lot of ST. Maybe I'm too old school for the new stuff but I'll always have a place in my heart for ST and all Trekkies.

I hear ' Strange New Worlds' is good though. I saw clips of the new Spock on there. He's not bad....;)

What your take on it all?

And the actor playing Halbrand/Sauron is better than some of the other cast. He shows emotion so that's good. I hope he makes a good Sauron going forward. I know they're hinting at 'the Stranger' being Gandalf but I've heard conflicting reports that they're not allowed to use the character or the Hobbits so they use the Harfoots instead and the Stranger might be one of the other wizards in Middle Earth. But, who knows which report is true. The only other thing I like in this is the Elrond/Durin friendship. Those actors did well. And you know, Neko, they're filming season 2 right about now so we'll see how things go. The crazy money they spent on these showed in the VFX and promotion but not much else unfortunately..

I'm REALLY enjoying talking and catching up too :) :):)

Oh but I hope it isn't a problem for I don't think folks know or remember me though so I hope I'm not monopolizing too much of the board or being a deterrent for other conversations people might want to have. Don't worry, you can tell me if I am.

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Re: Sci-fi and Fantasy books
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2022, 01:14:42 AM »
Nothing to worry over, I'll have a better reply later. LOL It's all good. People have their threads and usually pick the one they want. Gambit 2022 is the busiest but only when a book comes out.

And who knows, maybe we've hit a few topics of interest. If not, again all good. I've loved everything we chatted about, mostly because its different. :)
« Last Edit: October 27, 2022, 10:08:36 AM by Nekobaghira »

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Re: Sci-fi and Fantasy books
« Reply #12 on: October 27, 2022, 02:11:43 PM »
Now ... onto the other topics. LOL

The 'new' Charmed isn't as good. I loved the older one but not with Prue. Piper was always my fav.

People make fun of cable and its pricing, but you can really match the price with streaming. It's crazy, you have to watch your finances with it. And now, they've discovered the whole sharing but not related thing and are being aggressive but like they can fix that. All my 'family' on YouTubeTV are not related to me at all (well, one but ... ). LOL I like them a great deal to share. :)

My neighbor who is a seamstress is amazing. She's fixed so much stuff for me and I've helped her out with computers (though, she uses Apple, and I'm terrible with it but know enough to get by and people to help her.)
« Last Edit: October 27, 2022, 02:14:35 PM by Nekobaghira »

Offline Greens

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Re: Sci-fi and Fantasy books
« Reply #13 on: October 27, 2022, 05:48:19 PM »
Nothing to worry over, I'll have a better reply later. LOL It's all good. People have their threads and usually pick the one they want. Gambit 2022 is the busiest but only when a book comes out.

And who knows, maybe we've hit a few topics of interest. If not, again all good. I've loved everything we chatted about, mostly because its different. :)

'Mostly because it's different'? And here I thought it was because of me!  ;)  Just kidding. That's a relief to know because I was beginning to wonder if I shooed everyone else away!

I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed this. It's been the fun part of my day ;D

Offline Greens

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Re: Sci-fi and Fantasy books
« Reply #14 on: October 27, 2022, 05:52:08 PM »
Now ... onto the other topics. LOL

The 'new' Charmed isn't as good. I loved the older one but not with Prue. Piper was always my fav.

People make fun of cable and its pricing, but you can really match the price with streaming. It's crazy, you have to watch your finances with it. And now, they've discovered the whole sharing but not related thing and are being aggressive but like they can fix that. All my 'family' on YouTubeTV are not related to me at all (well, one but ... ). LOL I like them a great deal to share. :)

My neighbor who is a seamstress is amazing. She's fixed so much stuff for me and I've helped her out with computers (though, she uses Apple, and I'm terrible with it but know enough to get by and people to help her.)

Oh, I agree. It's like the same price as cable except with that, you get package deals with many channel options but streaming is pay-per-view for one channel only.

Oh, I want to hear what you thought about ST though but if you don't have the time, I understand.  :)