Author Topic: Sci-fi and Fantasy books  (Read 46854 times)

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Re: Sci-fi and Fantasy books
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2022, 05:57:56 PM »
I'm trying to see if I can post some art from season 1 of the fantasy book. It's by a Hungarian artist called Fland. Sorry if it doesn't work.


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Re: Sci-fi and Fantasy books
« Reply #16 on: October 27, 2022, 05:59:49 PM »
And season 1 of the sci-fi one.

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Re: Sci-fi and Fantasy books
« Reply #17 on: October 27, 2022, 06:11:50 PM »
Season 2 is some of Vit's art :)

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Re: Sci-fi and Fantasy books
« Reply #18 on: October 27, 2022, 06:14:48 PM »
 Season 3, Vit's beautiful art :smitten:

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Re: Sci-fi and Fantasy books
« Reply #19 on: October 27, 2022, 06:17:22 PM »

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Re: Sci-fi and Fantasy books
« Reply #20 on: October 27, 2022, 06:19:26 PM »
Season 4 from Vit's work :)

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Re: Sci-fi and Fantasy books
« Reply #21 on: October 27, 2022, 06:23:52 PM »
Oh, I don't think it's letting me post anymore for now. Isn't it pretty, Neko? Vit (and Fland) did  great jobs! :smitten:

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Re: Sci-fi and Fantasy books
« Reply #22 on: October 27, 2022, 08:35:29 PM »

Oh, I agree. It's like the same price as cable except with that, you get package deals with many channel options but streaming is pay-per-view for one channel only.

Oh, I want to hear what you thought about ST though but if you don't have the time, I understand.

*chortle* I've always got time, retired and all that bananas. I waste time with gardening and I'm not very good at it but college try as it were. Now, cooking .. whoa, I've gotten really good. (Whoops if I said that already, not gonna back track to know. LOL)

ST? Star Trek? I love the new Star Trek Movies, even if its 're-telling' of original.  The shows on Paramount+, I haven't gotten into for whatever reason, which is I don't know, not interested.

Oh man, "Why Women Kill" season 2 was hilarious. I did youtube vids for season 1, sort of sad.

RE: Vit's work, yeah, I think it (the site) does have a limit. Give it a day or two and post more. *shrug* I bang my head against the computer desk when I forget my settings for the forum. Whomever drew that tiger, awesome. All of the art is great!
« Last Edit: October 27, 2022, 08:47:10 PM by Nekobaghira »

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Re: Sci-fi and Fantasy books
« Reply #23 on: October 27, 2022, 08:45:04 PM »

'Mostly because it's different'? And here I thought it was because of me!  ;)  Just kidding. That's a relief to know because I was beginning to wonder if I shooed everyone else away!

I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed this. It's been the fun part of my day ;D
I just got this, of course .... its you and you are fun to chat with. LOL I'm slow sometimes, (its an age thing.)
« Last Edit: October 27, 2022, 08:47:48 PM by Nekobaghira »

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Re: Sci-fi and Fantasy books
« Reply #24 on: October 28, 2022, 11:25:02 AM »
*chortle* I've always got time, retired and all that bananas. I waste time with gardening and I'm not very good at it but college try as it were. Now, cooking .. whoa, I've gotten really good. (Whoops if I said that already, not gonna back track to know. LOL)

ST? Star Trek? I love the new Star Trek Movies, even if its 're-telling' of original.  The shows on Paramount+, I haven't gotten into for whatever reason, which is I don't know, not interested.

Oh man, "Why Women Kill" season 2 was hilarious. I did youtube vids for season 1, sort of sad.

RE: Vit's work, yeah, I think it (the site) does have a limit. Give it a day or two and post more. *shrug* I bang my head against the computer desk when I forget my settings for the forum. Whomever drew that tiger, awesome. All of the art is great!

I'm trying my hand at gardening too with... varying results LOL. But, we try, yes :) 

I have to cook, there's no one else to cook! LOL. Sometimes it turns out good, sometimes, not so much  ;)

Yeah, Vit (and Fland) really did great jobs.  :)

Oh.... so, now I don't what to think about NewTrek. It seems it's very divisive among fans. Some love it, some don't.  I tried to check out some clips of 'Picard' early on but it didn't seem like Jean-Luc to me. I hear it's gotten better. I didn't recognize Seven as the character at all. It felt like Jeri Ryan playing Jeri Ryan which was weird. but, I hear season 3 is more like 'Star Trek' so, I guess, we'll see.

How are you with the 'Star Wars' stuff? I've seen clips of  'Mandolorian' and 'Boba Fett'. The former was better but both had their moments. i've haven't seen any of the others.

[size=0px]I just got this, of course .... its you and you are fun to chat with. LOL I'm slow sometimes, (its an age thing.)[/size]
[size=78%]No worries. I loved  talking with you again [/size] :)
« Last Edit: October 28, 2022, 11:28:11 AM by Greens »

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Re: Sci-fi and Fantasy books
« Reply #25 on: October 28, 2022, 01:18:00 PM »
Absolutely loved the Mandalorian.  Here is a fun fact, its John Wayne's Grandson (Brendan - stunt double for Pedro Pascal). You never see Brendan's face but he's in the suit for some scenes.

I found the "Boba Fett" series a tad slow, I didn't get past episode 3. Though, I really liked his helper. I remember her from 'Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D". I dropped that show when they spent too much time on the Skye character. Another annoying character.

The only thing that I can grow are ferns. There is a beautiful tall plant called a 'black cardinal'. My deck is tall and it can reach the flooring. However, I've recently learned that because I had Pine trees on both sides of my house, the root system choked them out. bleh.
Now, all the Pines are gone and its time to landscape or change the soil sort of thing to actually grow something.  At least my catnip was unaffected (cat loved, trust me on that. Even by cats that aren't mine!)

The one plant I absolutely despise grows back all the time. Trust me, I try to kill it. The guy that mows my lawn, weed whacks it out. I used to tell him not to do that til I get a picture of the bloom but now I don't care (they are pretty.) It must have been a fad in the 1970's, all my neighbors but a few have 'peonies'. And as I've said they are pretty, but the owner before me at my home planted some too close to the house. Thus from time to time I have an ant issue because those plants need the ants to eat whatever off the bulb to bloom. FYI - Three feet from the house if you like that type of flower. And they have deep roots. And to fix the ant issue, a line of pepper at the door. It burns their feet and they won't enter the home. I know way too much about a flower I don't like. LOL

I hit or misses with cooking too, I actually have cast iron cookware. Not a lot, its too much work to season, clean and whatnot but damn - cooks really well.

I can't seem to get into the new Trek. I've tried a few episodes and bailed. Agree, Jeri Ryan doesn't look enough like Seven. Q aging was weird but ... they had a work around for the character.

I tried looking for a new book, oof, can't find anything I want to read. I've been reading fanfic but some of it is really horrible. The ones I like never get finished. I know I'm bad about not finishing fics but I'm not too bad with it.
We're going to try and move the LL to AO3, its been daunting and now, I'm thinking whatever. It's at and here. Lots of new folks for it at LL, if successful in moving it. I can't promise to get it done but at least the OTW/AO3 people are handling it.

I did read a Star Trek book (ages ago). It a DS9 oriented one, I've always like Dr. Bashir, the book was about him and Ezre Dax. Not bad, quick reads.

Star Wars: Thrawn by Timothy Zahn is actually really good for a villain. He's a Chiss and I'm so partial to Chiss. I play SWTOR (Star Wars: The Old Republic) and all my characters but two are Chiss. The story telling for the Imperial Agent is great (James Bond-ish). Probably the best one in the game (to me anyway.) The Jedi Knight is the closest to Luke Skywalker. The bounty hunter is the games Mando. The funniest story is the one based off of Han Solo, smuggler.

Alright, wrote a book here. LOL

« Last Edit: October 28, 2022, 01:34:17 PM by Nekobaghira »

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Re: Sci-fi and Fantasy books
« Reply #26 on: October 29, 2022, 05:38:14 PM »

Ohhh.... I didn't know that about Pedro's double. I loved 'Mandalorian' too and agree about 'Boba Fett' but when it turned into Mando Season 2.5, I was in again :)

I always wanted Luke to be the Jedi to take Grogu in so when that happened, I was overjoyed. Sort of like coming full circle from the Luke/Yoda days.

I LOVE ferns. I hope to grow some again in the future. I googled the flowers you spoke of and you're right, they're pretty! Thanks for the ants tip. I can use that! Do you have one for roaches? BTW, be careful about growing plants and trees too close to your home. From what I understand, the roots can cause plumbing problems if they get to the pipes under there.

In Florida, I grew some flowering plants like hibiscus, marigolds etc but I had some succes with tomatoes, pepper and lettuce too.  Over here, I have a few pepper plants. I got one crop in but soon after that, a sort of black substance started to take over the leaves and then nearby construction caused a lot of dust to settle on them. So, as of right now, they're not doing too well :(

My sister told me about iron cookware and the work involved with them. It's too much for me! Also, too heavy! :P

Oh, I didn't look into the Q thing on ST because I sort of stopped watching clips after checking out the season 1 ones.

I haven't read any of the ST books or the SW ones either but I love Dr. Bashir too!

You know, at least, you're not moving the LL over. I guess others are getting that stress. I haven't read fanfic in ages. Don't feel too bad about not finishing some fics. Sometimes, they take too long to update!

I don't really write novels, mine are scripts so I can't really recommend for you. But, similiar to you, I tried out the ST online game. I created a character and entered the game only to do horribly. This was early days of gaming for me so I didn't know what i was doing. Last I left it, I was adrift in space on a ship out there. Heaven knows where I am now. LOL :)

You could try other games out if you like instead of books, for entertainment. I understand the 'Jedi Fallen Order' was good and the Lego one where you play as almost all the characters  from the main 6 movies. It's so fun, cute and funny too! :)

Check out some clips on YT to see if you're interested. Just a suggestion for entertainment, if you can't find any books to read at the moment :)

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Re: Sci-fi and Fantasy books
« Reply #27 on: October 29, 2022, 05:42:11 PM »

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Re: Sci-fi and Fantasy books
« Reply #28 on: October 29, 2022, 05:46:55 PM »

Not oing to post all of the art but just a selection. Vit (and Fland) did great jobs :smitten:

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Re: Sci-fi and Fantasy books
« Reply #29 on: October 30, 2022, 08:46:34 AM »
I'll have to skip episodes to get to Mando Season 2.5. LOL

Yeah, Luke taking Grogu was a great twist.

Hmm, roaches, not without googling. Yeah, I know about trees too close as well. Roots are bad for my well and septic.

I don't know if it will work but try, chamonile tea on the plants. Look it up first before trying that method. It did work for me and my catnip which was getting a fungus. If you can determine what the stuff is on the plants, it will be easier to find a home remendy.

Cast Iron Cookware is heavy. It's why I only have three pieces and don't use it very often.

There will be issues I suspect with LL. Like asking permission again. Some will say no, I'm certain and others simply aren't around.  We'll see, if it doesn't move, I'm not gonna spend time thinking about it.

I have a hard time with the space missions in STOnline. The ground missions I'm doing alright with but I always get help from someone. One more day of the holiday event and I can turn my character into a cat. LOL

I play, Star Wars: The Old Repbulic (as I've stated before.) Final FantasyXIV (haven't gotten very far.) Elder Scrolls Online is a bit of a resource pig but its alright. I tried Stray, cute apocalyptic story with a cat and his robot to find the cat's family. As cute as it is, clips on youtube is the way to go. It's too linear gaming wise for me. The shenanigans I went through to get the robot and then getting killed  too many times via alien spiders just ended the game for me. On the plus side it gives you hints on what to do. However, when you have to watch a walk through and still can't get the objective then the game wasn't really meant for PC. I have to mess with my mouse settings all the time for it as well. Bleh.

Edit: fanfics taking too long to update, you're not kidding. A chapter once a year or two is way too long. By that time, you've got to re-familiarize yourself with the story and I just won't bother with that. Not to mention folks who start stories, with a listing of number of chapters and the first post 500-700 words. Wow, waste people's time. Write something! IMO

Now, I try to always have my stuff ready to go. Though, I can be bad at updating too. LOL The update timeline ... oh c'mon. Post. I don't care about 'kudos' or 'comments'. I'm so done with "I only post on 'Sundays'", okay, I'll wait til your are done and then spend the time. I know its peeve of mine.

Thanks for posting the art, looks great.  ;D
« Last Edit: October 30, 2022, 04:54:14 PM by Nekobaghira »