Ohhh.... I didn't know that about Pedro's double. I loved 'Mandalorian' too and agree about 'Boba Fett' but when it turned into Mando Season 2.5, I was in again

I always wanted Luke to be the Jedi to take Grogu in so when that happened, I was overjoyed. Sort of like coming full circle from the Luke/Yoda days.
I LOVE ferns. I hope to grow some again in the future. I googled the flowers you spoke of and you're right, they're pretty! Thanks for the ants tip. I can use that! Do you have one for roaches? BTW, be careful about growing plants and trees too close to your home. From what I understand, the roots can cause plumbing problems if they get to the pipes under there.
In Florida, I grew some flowering plants like hibiscus, marigolds etc but I had some succes with tomatoes, pepper and lettuce too. Over here, I have a few pepper plants. I got one crop in but soon after that, a sort of black substance started to take over the leaves and then nearby construction caused a lot of dust to settle on them. So, as of right now, they're not doing too well

My sister told me about iron cookware and the work involved with them. It's too much for me! Also, too heavy!

Oh, I didn't look into the Q thing on ST because I sort of stopped watching clips after checking out the season 1 ones.
I haven't read any of the ST books or the SW ones either but I love Dr. Bashir too!
You know, at least, you're not moving the LL over. I guess others are getting that stress. I haven't read fanfic in ages. Don't feel too bad about not finishing some fics. Sometimes, they take too long to update!
I don't really write novels, mine are scripts so I can't really recommend for you. But, similiar to you, I tried out the ST online game. I created a character and entered the game only to do horribly. This was early days of gaming for me so I didn't know what i was doing. Last I left it, I was adrift in space on a ship out there. Heaven knows where I am now. LOL

You could try other games out if you like instead of books, for entertainment. I understand the 'Jedi Fallen Order' was good and the Lego one where you play as almost all the characters from the main 6 movies. It's so fun, cute and funny too!

Check out some clips on YT to see if you're interested. Just a suggestion for entertainment, if you can't find any books to read at the moment