While I am learning the Dragon Mythos, it sounds interesting. Would it make Iceman an IceDragon? As much as I love dragons, I only know what info you posted.
Sorry I took so long to respond, I've been quite busy.
Well, he has adopted the form of an icedragon back when he ate Thor...

The Dragon Mythos is my magnum opus for Iceman, a culmination of arcane knowledge and esoterica I have cultivated for decades.
I've talked about it piecemeal off-and-on over the years but never put it all together or done it so comprehensively. With some of the setup recently in the final issues of Immortal X-Men, the last Jean Grey mini-series and Resurrection of Magneto...it looks like Marvel is FINALLY going to go all the way with making OG Iceman the Dragon.
Yes, I'm talking about the REAL Iceman coming back in a story literally decades in the making. I'm hoping it happens in the final issue of X-Men Forever out next week, but I can wait a little longer...
I'm working on part two now, but I would love to hear your thoughts on what I have so far, either here or at ABP. I keep hoping the Profezzor will post his thoughts there, he expressed interest in The Dragon Mythos back when I started it, but has stayed mum since my massive update. I know he's read it, but he wont tell me what he thinks even in PM, which I guess means he doesn't like it.
I know CC008 was interested in it a few years back, but it's been a couple of years since I've seen him posting
anywhere. The only people talking about it on ABP are me and Whitecrown(a Jean fan that also likes Bobby). t would be great to get some kind of a discussion going there but when people read it the most common reaction is 'interesting' or just silence.